Chapter 17 Spiral

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*Ruby Andria - Age 14, 2542*

Shortly after their confessions, the two were sat down on a couch and forcefully put on opposite ends of it.

Rachel: So. . . I hear you two are dating. That true?

The now nineteen year old Rachel literally had Ruby tied up on her end of the couch while Jason remained unscathed. She was finally able to play her protective older-sister card.

Ruby: Y-Yes. . .

Rachel: And how did this occur?

Ruby: H-He- uh- he k-k-kissed me!

She was blushing at the memory of the moment, but also from embarrassment from having to tell it to his older sister, who had just leaned down to the girl's eye level. . .

Rachel: You stole his first kiss, too?

Jason: She didn't do anything! I initiated-

A BB gun pellet zoomed past his ear, the boy feeling the wind hit him.

Rachel: I didn't give you permission to speak, yet.

She lowered the fake weapon and turned back to her hostage.

Ruby: W-Well he technically stole m-my first kiss. . .

Rachel: Shifting the blame, are we? It's fine, I know just how to get the truth out of you.

And just like that, Jason was tied up as well, the BB gun held to the back of his head.

Rachel: Now, the truth, or I execute your boyfriend.

Ruby: B-But that's a BB gun. . .?

The redhead pulled the trigger.

Jason: OW!

Rachel: It'll still hurt him.

She pulled back the top and it was ready to be fired.

Rachel: Now, the truth.

Ruby: I-I swear! I-I'm not lying!

Rachel: You're stuttering.

Ruby: Because you're putting me on the spot!

Another shot was fired.

Jason: OW! STOP! She's telling you the truth!

She pushed the barrel against his temple.

Jason: I-I'll be quiet now!

Ruby: I'm. Not. Lying.

Her scarlet eyes met Rachel's emerald, the two glaring at the other, until the adult smirked and lifted the gun away from Jason, twirling it around her finger.

Rachel: You don't seem to be lying, but I'm not so sure.

The gun was then pointed at Ruby's forehead.

Rachel: Is she lying or not, Jason?

Jason: Sh-She isn't!

Rachel: Not convincing.

Her finger hovered over the trigger.

Rachel: Three.

Jason: She's not lying! She's not lying!

Rachel: Two.

Jason: Come on, please! She's not lying!

Rachel: One.

She pulled the trigger. . . but nothing came out. It was a blank.

Rachel: Looks like you got lucky, I'm all out of pellets. *smiles*

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