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THERESA HAD REASSURED HER that she wasn't angry because Delilah had left, but when they walked into their second class, she seemed on edge. Delilah didn't pry, sitting down in the second row as she glanced up at the professor. Today's lesson was about quantum mechanics and she had been looking forward to it, already taking out her notebook, but Theresa spoke to her before she could open it.

"Did you really not notice?" she said," how can you be so at ease?"

"What are you talking about?" Delilah said.

"Everyone has been staring at us all morning," Theresa frowned as she looked around," it's like we're walking around naked."

"Am I?" Delilah blinked, glancing down to check before nodding to herself," no, it's fine."

"I've been thinking this," Theresa said, her voice amicable," but you really are lost in your own world at times, Delilah. In the best way, I mean of course."

Delilah's fingers tapped absentmindedly on her cheek, a smile on her face. "Mhm."

"Hey, you're Delilah, right?"

She glanced up, Theresa already raising her eyebrows at the two girls who were standing in the row behind her. When Delilah nodded, one of them scoffed, glancing back at her.

"You're the girl who assaulted Jonathan?" she said.

"Did I?" Delilah mused.

"Oh, don't act all innocent now," the other said with a roll of her eyes," the whole university knows you're crazy. You've been going around telling people that their dead friends were talking to them, never mind the whole story you made up about the fucking Grim Reaper."

Delilah's eyes slowly wandered over the two of them, before she flashed them a bright smile, ready to turn back around again. It was Theresa who spoke first against them, voice kind.

"Let's act friendly now, shall we?" she said.

One of the girls scoffed, glancing at Theresa like she was filth beneath her shoe. "Who do we have here? Not Theresa Petrovic acting like being friendly is the first thing on her mind. How many guys have you been through who have left you because of your terrible personality?"

"You know her?" her friend asked.

"Yeah," the girl chuckled," she dated Jonathan before all this too, so no wonder she's taking this bitch's side."

Theresa's smile disappeared, but when Delilah was about to say something an angry voice left Theresa's lips.

"Oh fuck off," she snapped," don't act like the whole university cares, as if they all have nothing better to do." She grasped the girl's collar, pulling her down as the girl watched her wide-eyed. "And you know what, fuck being friendly, if you want a taste of this terrible personality so much, you can meet me after class."

"Let me go!" the girl hissed at her, slightly panicked," you're crazy!"

"The professor just entered," Delilah remarked.

Both Theresa and the girl immediately jerked back from each other, Theresa taking her seat as the girls walked away, all the other students around them mostly having minded their own business. When Theresa looked around and didn't find the professor, she stared at Delilah, eyebrows raised, and in response Delilah chuckled.

"I didn't know you were so feisty," she said.

"Shit," Theresa sighed, her cheeks flushing red as she looked down," I'm sorry, this short temper of mine always gets me in trouble. I told myself to keep it in check when I got here, but -" She swallowed, awkwardly placing her hand on her neck. "Anyway, I hope I didn't freak you out."

For the damned | ✓Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant