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AT THIS POINT DELILAH had grown to know Niccolo enough to anticipate that his presence always meant chaos. She would have said he didn't mean for it to happen, but that would be a lie. After all, he seemed to thrive on the mess he caused, a smirk playing on his lips as he looked at the professor. His gaze flicked towards her then, catching her staring, and when she smiled his expression wavered for a second, back again to his usual carelessness a moment later.

Still, she knew everything would be fine. Helio was here, though he still hadn't told her why yet. It didn't really matter that much to her, she was glad to have him close. Somehow he always made her so calm and most of all, he was able to diffuse the tension out of any situation. Delilah offered him some papers to write on and he actually diligently started taking notes, occasionally glancing at Niccolo to keep him in check. The oracle however didn't seem to care at all, only continuing to distract Theresa as he whispered to her.

"It seems you are not only late, but also rude," the professor said, turning around towards them," surely you can share with the whole class what you've been talking about this whole time?"

"Yeah, Helio," Niccolo said, raising his eyebrows as he looked at him accusatory," fess up."

"He's talking to you, idiot," the Reaper replied.

"It's nothing, sir," Theresa said, obviously trying to remedy the situation.

Niccolo however didn't seem to have the same idea in mind, rising to his feet as he looked at the professor, eyes ablaze.

"I can tell you," he said," but you wouldn't be happy to hear the answer."

"Arrogance does not suit you," the professor scoffed, obviously growing tired of Niccolo," take your leave, I do not permit students to be here who don't respect me."

Niccolo jumped across the table, slowly walking towards the man, Helio's eyes following him all the way. For a moment Delilah could practically see the ruins in his all-seeing gaze. It must be terrible, to always see the ending of something before it begins.

"That's where you're wrong," he said," arrogance does suit me very well. Without it, I'd have gone insane."

"There's the door," the professor said, pointing at it," you heard me, this childish attitude does not do well with me."

Helio already sighed before Niccolo leaned forward, a ring of fire burning golden in his eyes, smile without any humor at all.

"You should keep quiet," he said," I can smell your sins from here. I would ask you if your wife knows you're cheating, but she'll throw you out of the house in a month. You've gotten so used to lying you don't even remember yourself anymore, do you?" He grabbed the man's neck then, applying pressure as he watched him choke amusedly, voice dropping to a whisper. "Do you want to know what your death is like? Your bones are aching under the weight you carry, I can tell you exactly how they'll break."

Students were starting to shout, some of them filming as others grabbed their stuff, but all of them looked alarmed. It was Helio who spoke up, somehow silencing the whole room with his words alone as he stared at the oracle.

"Niccolo," Helio warned," it is not yet his time, let him go. I didn't come for your games."

"You did though," Niccolo said as he turned his head towards him," what else do you think brought you here? I can see right through you, Helio, do not lie to me."

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