Thank You

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Angst Warning:
(I also don't know how Kokichi's plan was made because I haven't played V3 yet. I'm waiting for it to come out on mobile)

Kokichi's POV:

   I smile to myself as Shuichi screams at me. "You're alone Kokichi... you always will be!" He exclaims looking at me. I smile like a maniac! This- this guilt is becoming too much. Replace the tears with a smile. Shuichi glares, while I stand there smiling. 

Thank you

"Thank you! And I bid you all a farewell!" I exclaim, getting the fuck out of there. I couldn't be in there any longer. As soon as I make it to my dorm, I slump down my door. "Fuck this goddamn game!" I shout throwing the nearest cup at the wall. It shatters into several tiny pieces, just like my heart. I love Shuichi with everything I have, and he can't even be bothered to see past my charade. I look try to pick up the glass, but end up cutting myself. "Damn it!" I exclaim dropping the glass. "Wait... where did all this water come from?" I question, feeling wetness on my face. I place a hand on my cheek and I'm... crying? 

I sigh and leave bloodied glass on the ground in front of me. I shake my head and lie down on my bed. I don't even bother with the door. Let's just let someone kill me. I never really thought about that actually... just letting someone kill me. 

I'll say goodbye soon

I try to push the thought aside as I fall asleep, too weak to even stay awake any longer. The morning announcement plays and I roll out of bed, very exhausted. I put on my fake smile and head out to the dining hall. Everyone there just glared at me, but Shuichi just kept his head down. I guess he's really disappointed in me... It's my fault thought. I'm an idiot! I'm about to tease Miu when I remembered. I guess that's my fault as well. 

"Aw, come on! You can't hate me forever!" I exclaim to fill the voice of silence. I cross my arms over my chest and Shuichi looks over at me with sad eyes. "We can and we will." Shuichi says. 

My world shatters at this. Okay... it's time to initiate it. "I see how it is! Fine then, Shumai hates me! I'll take my panta and be leaving then." I say making it look like I was faking sadness. 

"It's not just Shuichi who hates you, we all do! All you fucking do is hurt and annoy us! You never gave a damn about any of us!" Maki exclaims standing up. 

"You know what?! If you all hate me so badly and want me gone, then kill me yourself! Come on! Who wants to kill me?! Shall we spin a wheel and make it a game?" I ask, my voice filled with pure malice. Shuichi looks up at me, terrified. Shuichi and I were quite fond of each other, so I was the only one who noticed his trembling. 

"Come on! We can call it Kokichi's Killer! The rules are simple, whoever the wheel lands on, get's to kill me, no struggle." I exclaim holding my hands in the air. 

"Kokichi-." Kiibo tried to reason.

"Hush it, robot! Here, I'll spin this bottle, and the person it lands on kills me!" I exclaim putting my panta on the ground. I know nobody will actually have the balls to kill me, so this is actually to determine something else...

Though it's the end of the world 

"Kokichi, wait-!" Himiko tries to reason. "Shut up!" I shout harshly. "Now, let's give it a spin!" I exclaim. The bottle starts spinning faster and faster. 

"Kokichi! That's enough! Please stop!" Shuichi exclaims, tears in his eyes. The bottle stops rather suddenly on Kaito. Perfect...

"Fine, Shumai, but only because my beloved Shumai asked me to." I respond picking up the bottle. I take a sip of the soda before meeting everyone's fearful gaze. "This was fun, later fuckers, and Saihara-chan!" I exclaim skipping down the hallway. 

I smile sadly and remember the plan for tonight. Ending this game once and for all. It's happening tonight. 

    I hold Kaito hostage in the hanger now. "Kokichi, you made one vital mistake!" Maki exclaims pointing her crossbow at me through the small window. Before anything else can happen, Kaito pushes me out of the way. Maki panics, but quickly fires another arrow, hitting me in the arm. "Hold on, Kaito!" Maki exclaims fleeing the area. Kaito starts coughing, and I do myself. 

Don't blame yourself, now

Maki comes back and tries to give the antidote to Kaito, but I snatch it and pretend to take it in order for her to leave and try to make more. As soon as Maki flees, I hold the antidote up to Kaito and make him drink it. 

Once Kaito's alright, he looks at me, coughing and dying because of the poison laced arrow. "Ready?" Kaito asks. I nod and take my scarf off. It's funny... I'm gonna miss this scarf. I wonder if I'll have it in the next life. 

I take my shirt off and slowly lie down under the press. "Anything else, Kokichi?" Kaito asks me. 

"Well, I guess this is the end isn't it? I guess I'll come clean... I love Shuichi Saihara and all of this was to protect you all." I breathe out a shaky breath. "That's my final truth... now hit the damn button and tell Shuichi I love him." 

And if it's true

I hear little cries come from Kaito as he hit the button. "I'm sorry." I mutter. I watch as the press comes down and my mask breaks. I let the tears flow out of my eyes, with the little strength I have left, I move my hair out of my eyes. I close my eyes and try to brace for what comes next. I guess I'm really dying alone. 

I wonder if I'll be able to see Rantaro again? I mean this is it, right? I'm scared... I don't wanna go yet! But I know I have to for Shuichi's sake, even though he hates me. Shuichi... will I ever see him again? 

'Shuichi, this is my goodbye, knowing full well that we'll never say hello again. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry and I wish I could've been there for you more. I wish I could've held you in my arms one last time... I wish I could've kissed you, one last time. I love you so much and I hope you never forget me...'


Shuichi's POV:

   The trial's over, and my soulmate and bestfriend are dead. I feel my world shatter. I never got to apologize, I never got to say 'I love you' one last time! I never got to kiss you one last time... You died alone. I should have never said what I said... I was just upset. 

I will surround you

I cry silently on Kokichi's bed, holding one of his scarves close to me. Memories swarm my head as my quiet cries grow into screaming sobs. 

"Shumai, wait! I can't keep up!" Kokichi giggled. Kokichi ran to catch up with me as we ran to the AV room. 

"You're forehead is hot, Shumai, you really should lay down." Kokichi said to me. I resisted and got up, that was until Kokichi shoved me back down, pinning me onto the bed while he showered me in snuggles. 

"Shh... it's alright. I'm right here." I whispered to a shaking Kokichi. He broke down completely after Kirumi's death. I felt awful and just hugged him.

"I love you, Kokichi!" I confessed, blushing. 

"Awe, I love you too, Shumai!" Kokichi kissed my lips again and again before smiling. 

And give life to a world

That's our own...

Damn, that hurt... Anyways, here's this bullshit I wrote when I was half asleep!

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