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Two days had gone by after Yunhee and Haechan met Yunhee's biological parents.

In all honesty, Yunhee was feeling far better.

It made her far more than glad to know that she wasn't related to those people she once called 'parents'.

Now, Yunhee was at work. Her morning shifts didn't last too long but it was enough for Haechan to feel lonely.

Haechan laid in the bed with Kyungsan, wondering what to do with the time they had.

"Everything's boring without Mommy." Kyungsan sighed out.

"Yeah. It really is." Haechan agreed and once again, the silence overtook them.

"Daddy, when is yours and Mommy's birthday?" Kyungsan suddenly asked as his eyes laid upon the date on the calendar.

"My birthday is June 6 and your mom's is.... April 2nd. Yeah April 2nd." Haechan replied.

"Oh so today?" Kyungsan asked and at those words, Haechan widened his eyes.

"Today's April 2nd?!" Haechan exclaimed as he shot out of bed and to his phone that charged on his dresser and sure enough, April 2nd showed on his phone.

Haechan became wide-eyed and realized he had completely forgotten about Yunhee's birthday.

"Get your shoes on kiddo, we're gonna go to the store!" Haechan told his son who was confused with his dad's frantic state but obeyed anyways.

Haechan ran around the place, getting ready and jotting down stuff he needed for the surprise he planned later. During all of this, Kyungsan patiently sat and waited on the bed for his dad to announce that they were ready to go.

"You ready, Daddy?" Kyungsan asked the man who now stood in the room, panting from the running he did.

"Yeah let's go." Haechan said.

He went to pick up Kyungsan and made his way to his car, buckling Kyungsan in first before going to the drivers side.

In the midst of driving, Haechan pulled out his phone and without taking his eyes off the road, he called Jaemin.

"Hyuck? What's up?" Jaemin asked when he picked up the phone.

"Hey, do you think you and the rest will be able to come over later tonight? After Yunhee comes home from work?" Haechan asked his friend.

"Jiyeon and I don't have plans so yeah we will. I'll ask the others but what happened? Did you and Yunhee fight again?" Jaemin questioned, ready to tell the boy off if he did.

"No! We're actually doing really well right now," Haechan explained and then Kyungsan wanted to take over.

"Daddy forgot Mommy's birthday is today!" Kyungsan yelled at the phone and Haechan became wide eyed.

"Hyuck! How can you forget her birthday?!" Jaemin exclaimed at his friend who groaned.

"We were spending so many good times together I just forgot to check the dates!" Haechan defended and Jaemin simply sighed.

"We'll be there. Do you need me to bring anything?" Jaemin asked and Haechan replied with a simple 'nah'.

"I'm not planning on doing anything too big. Just a few decorations to make it known like 'hey were celebrating'." Haechan said and Jaemin nodded but Haechan couldn't tell since they were only talking through the phone.

"Alright then. Anything else?" Jaemin asked.

"Actually, yeah. I need help coming up with a present." Haechan replied.

"Don't stress yourself out with gifts. Get her something with a meaning and I guarantee you she will love it." Jaemin said since he himself was experienced with the stress of trying to find a gift for his own soulmate only for her to tell him that it doesn't matter what he gets her, it only mattered that he felt it would be something that she would like or if it had a meaning.

At that, Haechan began to think of any possible gifts to get her.

"Alright, thanks. I'll see you guys later then." Haechan said and bid goodbye to his friend on the phone before hanging up.

"I'll try and make this quick since your mom gets off in a few hours." Haechan said as he pulled up to the parking lot of a store.

"You'll help me out, right?" Haechan asked Kyungsan.

"Duh. I gotta help make Mommy happy too." Kyungsan replied. His response made Haechan smile before getting out of the car and getting Kyungsan out as well.

After about 2 hours of shopping, the two boys had finally gathered the stuff they needed for the small get together/party that they were planning to make. Haechan even made sure to buy a present. It was basic, simple yet it had a strong meaning to him.

So now the two were back home. Kyungsan was busy playing with his toys in the living room while Haechan began to set up streamers and a few other decorations.

He grabbed the present he bought and placed it in his pocket, not sure where to hide it.

Haechan finished setting up the decorations and as soon as he let out a satisfied sigh, a knock was suddenly heard at the door which made him jump a bit from shock.

Haechan made his way to the door and opened it, revealing Jaemin standing there as well as his other friends, all who carried a gift bag.

"You guys brought gifts?" Haechan asked in a slight shock.

"Duh. It's her birthday, of course we're gonna bring presents. Now where do we put them?" Jaemin asked and Haechan pointed to a corner, somewhere the presents could be hidden.

Haechan checked his watch and realized that Yunhee would be home soon and immediately ushered everyone to hide behind the kitchen island.

"Just stay quiet." Haechan whispered as he knelt next to his friends and held his son with him.

"Stay quiet." Kyungsan told Sunhi the baby who seemed all too confused with what was going on but nodded to the toddler boy.

After a few minutes of them being in the dark room, Yunhee suddenly opened the door and entered the place.

"Haechan? Why is everyone's car parked outside?" Yunhee asked as she entered the place only to hear silence.

Finding everything strange, Yunhee then walked into the kitchen and turned on the lights which became cue for the friends to jump out and yell 'surprise!'.

Yunhee had a bright smile on her face and Haechan approached her with Kyungsan.

"Happy birthday, beautiful." Haechan said as he stepped in front of the girl with Kyungsan in his arm and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead.

"Thank you, Hyuck." She said.

It was the first time she ever called him by his nickname and the way it sounded from her absolutely melted Haechan.

Before things could get too sappy in front of his friends, Jaemin suddenly took the spotlight.

"Let's have some fun!"

not a lot of yunhee and haechan interactions this chapter but i promise there will be a lot next chapter ;)

please vote and comment!

lots of love,
t <3

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