twenty six

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As the group ate, Haechan kept his hand with Yunhee's, fingers interlocked and not wanting to let go.

Even when she had to go the restroom, Haechan was so stubborn to let go.

"Haechan, I will not let you stop eating just cause I need to use the restroom." Yunhee said as she tried releasing their hands only for him to tighten his grip.

"Don't leave me." He whined and Yunhee playfully rolled her eyes.

"You say that like I'm never coming back. I promise you I won't take long. I just have to use the restroom." She tried assuring him only for him to shake his head and instead wrapped hugged her waist while she stayed standing, making her sigh.

"Hyuck, let her go to the restroom." Renjun told the younger who only furrowed his eyebrows and ignored him.

"I won't be long." She said and leaned down to press a soft kiss on his lips which Haechan felt weak. It was as if he fell into a trance and his grip on her hand loosened immediately.

Yunhee took that to her advantage and casually began walking to the bathrooms, looking back and seeing Haechan still in a daze while his friends shook their heads at him.

"Cute." She muttered before turning back and making her way to the restroom.

"You're so clingy, dude." Mark said at his friend who shrugged.

"If you had her, you would be too." He replied with a smug smile.

"Aren't you the same person that hated her-"

"Let's not bring up something that happened a month ago. Jaemin and and Jiyeon are fine with her so I am too. Matter of fact, if it wasn't for them, her and I wouldn't be as close as we are now." Haechan said, smiling at the two soulmates who helped him realize his mistakes.

"I'm telling you, we're amazing at this." Jaemin said while nudging Jiyeon which caused her to smack his arm lightly and Jeno to give the slightest glare.

Haechan furrowed his brows at their actions but didn't give it much thought. After all, his friends were different in a way.

As Haechan was watching his friends talk, someone suddenly appeared beside their table, standing next to them.

None of the people on the friend group paid attention as they laughed along to Jeno babying Jisung, making him flustered while Jaemin kept
muttering out "Sexy" at his dessert.

"You call that dessert 'sexy' more than you call me it." Jiyeon said with a scoffed out laugh. Jaemin found her complaint adorable and bit back a smile.

"Sexy~" He said while pointing at her and she playfully rolled her eyes before pecking his cheek quickly which made him raise his brows.

The girl watched the group before tapping on Haechan's shoulder, gaining his attention.

"Hi!" The girl said to him and Haechan gave her a confused look.

"Uh... hi?" He replied.

"You're Donghyuck, right? From high school?" The girl asked and Haechan hesitantly nodded his head.

"It's me! Hwa Eunsoo!" The girl now known as Eunsoo said with a chirpy attitude that Haechan found a bit strange.

"That's cool. Um.. do you need anything?" Haechan asked and at this point, the friend group stated at the two as they conversed, wondering what was going on.

"Actually, yeah! I was wondering if I could have your number." She said and everyone raised their brows and looked at Haechan, wondering what he would do.

"Sorry but I'm not interested. I actually have someone right now and I'm far beyond happy with her." Haechan replied which made Eunsoo furrow her brows.

"She doesn't have to know. I know you had a crush on me in high school, Hyuckie." She said, still holding her phone out. Haechan's eyes averted around, looking for Yunhee. He wanted her with him at that moment and time.

As if on cue, Yunhee appeared from the hall and Haechan's eyes brightened. Yunhee's brows furrowed at the sight of a girl who was more than clearly trying to get her soulmate's attention.

"Yunhee!" Haechan excitedly exclaimed as his soulmate approached them, making Eunsoo turn to look at the girl.

"Hey," She said as she sat next to Haechan who immediately wrapped his arms around her with a smile and kissed her cheek.

"What's going on?" She asked him.

"This is Eunsoo, a girl from high school who is trying to get my number but I refuse to give it. Eunsoo, this is Yunhee, my girlfriend and also," Haechan paused as he rolled up his sleeve, showing off the angel wing tattoo and did the same for Yunhee, "My soulmate so I really recommend you dont try anything."

Eunsoo widened her eyes at the tattoo and immediately bowed.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know he had a whole soulmate." She said and Yunhe gave an unsure "uh-huh."

"Anyways, if that's all you wanted, you can go ahead and go now." Yunhee said and Eunsoo nodded before running back off to her own table.

Yunhee couldn't help but feel a large twinge of jealousy, hating the fact that another girl would try to get his number.

"In case you were wondering," Haechan began, "I rejected her and told her I had a girlfriend."

At that, Yunhee felt slightly more angrier at the girl. Her eyes trailed to her, glaring burns into the girl.

Eunsoo felt the gaze and looked at the source. She saw Yunhee's once doe eyes turn to ones that held a fiery rage and Eunsoo had to admit she was terrified and knew to never try that again.

"Babe," Haechan called out, trying to gain Yunhee's attention, "You alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." She lied and Haechan could easily tell.

His arm wrapped around her and he kissed her cheek, not caring about his friends watching.

"Don't be jealous. Always remember that you're the only one I want and I will ever want." He said and his words made her smile, the anger diminishing completely.

"Thank you, Hyuck. You really are the one for me." She said and kissed his cheek before continuing to finish her food.

Yunhee knew she was in love with the boy as well.

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