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Yoongi was forced to share a room with Hoseok after all as

taehyung and jungkook had gotten to the room first. I spotted him dragging his suitcase to hoseok room when i went to ask jimin for toothpaste.

Everyone was tired. Irritable even.

We would soon be going home however to do whatever we wanted again before promotions started. I curled up as soon as we got back to the hotel, jin tucking me in a blanket as i slept. He soon fell asleep too.

I woke up randomly. I didn't know the time and all i knew i was freezing.
My first thought was that jin had taken my blanket, but after some investigation, he hadn't.

I had a sneaking suspicion that one of the members had stolen it. My bet was the maknae line trying to be funny.

So there i stood, outside in my pyjamas, wrestling with a feeling of murderous rage. The rage only increasd when i realised i had locked myself out of the the room




Im in trouble


Im locked out

Huh why.

Jisung :

Mfs stole my blanket.

I waited for jin to get up, using my time to judge the carpet
It's such a stereotypical carpet. It looks like the pattern on bus seats.

I rate this carpet 6/10. A 6 because the pattern randomly changes by room 36, meaning someone probably died or something.

"jisung" a pat on my shoulder and i jumped half a foot in the air. "jin oh my-" i clutched at my chest my soul gone from my body.

"sorry" he laughed crouching down handing me the Thomas blanket. Is this some kind of sick joke? This Thomas the tank engine blanket is haunting me.

"hope you like it, come back to bed " he whispered, gesturing for me to come back inside.

Jin scolded the maknae line as soon as the sun rose, while i watched on with satisfied glee.

The ride back home consisted of quiet grumblings from all the members, and lots of sleep, which i was greatful for.
I was seated next to jin, where i slept for most of the journey.


"i love how we all collectivly brushed over the fact jisung kissed someone" namjoon said ,turning around in his seat.

Jin was playing with my hair agian, smoothing out my curls. He was fascinated.
Jin scowled at the mentioning.

"none of your business" i  said sticking my nose in the air.

"it wasn't even a kiss-" i started. "a kiss is a kiss." namjoon grinned mischievously. Jimin joined in to, his smirk of collecting gossip pained on his face. 

"ill beat you up" i pointed to namjoon in English and he started howling with laugher.

"'ill beat you up'" he imitated me still chuckling away. 

"your accent is funny" he wheezed trying to regain himself. It was important to note he was leaning on the back of a seat taking to us. 

"oh i wonder why" i laughed maniacally. "speak Korean please i feel like you're taking shit-" taehyung said anxiously

"no they're talking shit about each other" yoongi said his voice deep from lack of use.

"How does he know" me and namjoon said at the same time. Yoongi simply flicked his hair behind his ear and didn't say anything again.

 "you sound posh" namjoon flicked my head. I scowled, affronted. I am FAR from posh.

"what the fuck-" spluttered. Jin hit me on the back of the head. 

"i know what that means"

"posh?" i wheezed, ignoring jins assault

"the audacity of this man" i breathed.I shook my head and started going on my phone.

 "jisung your background-" jimin smirked pointing to my phone. I quickly hid it in my lap moving Away from him. 

"yah!" jimin squealed nudging me.

 "what are you hiding," jin said grinning trying to get my phone

"nothing nothing-" i tried to play it off.

"hyung no-" i said but namjoon just grinned. And turned on the phone. He snickered. 

"who is it" jimin laughed peaking over the seat, restricted by his seat belt. He just showed the screen instead.

Robert Pattinson stared back through the screen.

 "would you look at that" namjoon said to himself. 

"that's the guy from that vampire film we watched- jungkook look" taehyung nudged the sleepy boy next to him.

"damn-" jimin said looking at it in greater detail.

 "he's handsome do you know him?" he said his eyes sparkling. I wheezed and snatched my phone back.

"he's that pretty boy who was in the yellow house in harry Potter" hoseok said knowledged. I nodded, going slightly red. I sniggered to myself as hoseok sulked slightly.

"oh how the tables turn" jin said, sitting back down.

"what about me?" hoseok said innocently, piping up from behind me "huh?" i muttered confused.

"you're my background" he said in the same voice.

Jisung if you laugh you go to hell.

"you technically are" i said showing him my lock screen. It was a group photo of all of us. He pouted slightly. So i carried on. 

"i check my phone for the time throughout the day, so, therefore, i see you all more than i see my homescreen." i said proud of my logic. He smiled slightly. 

"still not happy?" i let out a laugh I had been holding.

 "fine" i said smirking taking a picture of his sulking face. A minute later i shoved my phone into his hand. He stared for a few minutes. He then quietly prodded my arm.

"take a more attractive photo of me please-" he tapped the screen. I laughed. "nope. I like this one" i grinned evilly

."fine" he sighed but he smiled. 

"you see me more in a day than that guy-" "robert."

Jin scowled.



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