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"I am not sharing with him," jungkook said looking between me and namjoon.

"wow you're so accommodating." i hissed sarcastically pushing the handle of my suitcase down with a loud snap. jungkook ignored me hoping to block me out completely.

"Well" Namjoon grimaced, not knowing what to say. "well just until his rooms set up. don't make things more difficult" namjoon practically begged. This statement perplexed jungkook and i, and for a split second we were united in confusion as he glanced at each other.
Wouldn't keeping us together make things difficult?

"Fine." Jungkook huffed sitting on his bed harshly a permanent look of distaste etched on his face.

"You're gonna have to sleep on the floor" yoongi said appearing out of nowhere and throwing a blanket at me. i hugged it to my chest, rage bubbling up inside of me at the sight of him.

Yoongi and namjoon left the room so it was just me and jungkook. i now feared for my safety as he had balled up his fists. wow hes gonna strangle me, the past repeats its self-

he got up and pulled the blanket out of my arms.

"could of said please" i muttered but then i realised i was talking to myself.

He crouched down and stared folding up the blanket.  

"Do not." he said through gritted teeth as he placed down the blanket noodle "go past this line" he pointed childishly and then left the room. The blanket noodle sitting rather sadly on the wooden floor.  i rolled my eyes before getting on the floor to stare at the ceiling. 

wow. im really living the dream. 7 men who go above and beyond to make me feel at home and comfortable.

My phone started ringing and i answered, still lying on the floor. 

my phones screen was so cracked it took a while to swipe the button over. "stupid" i cursed. 

"Heyyy" jeewoo shouted, trying to be as annoying as possible. i gave the phone a dirty look, holding it at arms length.  

"you're so loud" i whined hitting my head on the floor in complaint.

"no. anyway. how was it? did it go well? are you moving in?" his questions all came in one after the other in rapid fire.

i sighed making him be quiet. "they're...ok" i said trying to be truthful. because i couldn't describe them in a nice way that wouldn't sound sarcastic. lying has always been impossible for me, so i bend the truth as much as i can.

"Well that's something...you better not be lying to me." he said suspiciously. 

"why would i waste my time doing that" i laughed.

jeewoo was about to respond but someone started shouting on the other end so he groaned.

"i have to go. Dowoon wants me to go help water the plants on the roof. i might chuck myself off" jeewoo said his voice suddenly hopeful.

i shook my head. theres no limit to his stupidity "ok you do that. do a flip or something or dive make it dramatic enough so i see on the news" i laughed putting down the phone.

there was a knock at the door. but no one came in. "yeah?" i called out,  quickly standing up.

"we are going out to get food. come if you want" they said. i didnt recognise the voice and when i opened the door they had seemed to of disappeared. 

Starman | BTS 8th Member | *ੈ✩‧₊˚(editing)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora