Chapter 2

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Kao (pov)

I was running towards the GMM building with my phone ringing like crazy

I don't even have to see my phone to know who it is ..


"Where are you kaooo !! You were supposed to be here 10 minutes ago" the tiny human on the other end shouted

"I'm here I'm here just give me two more minutes" I replied and ended up he call before rome could shout more potentially damaging my ears

Before rushing here I had to give my assignment and I told rome to go ahead without me because I knew I'll join him in a bit

Apparently my teacher was rather chatty today hence I had to rush my way here

I stopped on the main entrance my hands on my knees trying to catch my breath , I took a few deep breaths before heading in

"Hey kao !" Someone shouted from the back making me turn around

Only to blush at the sight of the one the only earth running towards me with his beautiful smile

I smiled back

"Hey !" I said

"You guys got the job ?" Earth asked

It's been about a week since we sent in our applications and we both  got a call yesterday regarding a job opening

We're lucky that we were both called in because it'll be fun working with rome and having someone known around

"Uh not yet I'm heading for an interv~ ouch" I yelped when someone walked past us shoving me in the process making me stumble

The man didn't even have the decency to apologise ..

I rolled my eyes giving the back of the man a stinky eye

"You alright ?" Earth asked and i immideately nodded and smiled

My phone rang again

Ah fuck I'm late

"I really need to rush earth I'll catch you later !" I said

"Yeah I need to head to practice too see you around " he said and walked towards the left

While I rushed towards the elevators where the man who shoved past me was getting on one of the elevators

"Hold the doo~ arghhh !! What the fuck is wrong with that man ?!" I shouted at the closed door cursing at my luck and the man

My phone again rang making me let out another cry while I waited for another elevator

"What took you so long !" Rome shouted as soon as I walked up to him fixing up my outfit

"My teacher was in a mood .. and I met earth downstairs so i~"

"Stop right there . You were running late and you decided to swoon over your man crush rather than rushing up .. get your priorities straight !" Rome said making me roll my eye

"Oh shut up , are we not getting late now ?" I said and he just shook his head

"Let's go this way " he said and i just smiled and nodded along

Following behind him still fixing up my hair and clothes

"Woah woah wait nong who are you here to see ?" A middle aged lady sitting at a desk near all the offices asked making us stop our steps

"Phi we're here for an interview , khun Godji reached out to us " rome said and i nodded

"May I get your names " she replied and we nodded

"Rome "


We replied she picked up the phone and dialled in

"Hello ma'am there are two kids saying they're here to see you..
Khap one is nong Rome and the other is nong Kao..
Okay okay yes ma'am " she said putting the phone down before again regarding to us

"She's waiting for you her office is down the hall last door to your left " she said pointing towards the hallway and immediately looking back down at her files

We just nodded thanking her and went towards the room he told us to go

All of a sudden rome pushed me forward saying that he was nervous

"Knock " rome said as we reached the room and I just took a deep breath nodded and knocked on the door

"Come in!" The person inside replied

We slowly stepped in feeling nervous as ever

"Sawadikap " me and rome said in unison bowing down

"Nong Kao and nong Rome ! You guys look cuter in person than your picture " the lady smiled very successfully making us less nervous and pass a smile back

"Ah come sit sit " she said pointing towards the empty chairs infront

We nodded and quickly took a seat

"You two are still in college correct ?" She asked

"Yes ma'am " I replied and rome nodded

"Ooi don't call me ma'am .. call me uh phi Godji .. ma'am sounds like I'm a dictator" she laughed making us laugh along

"Okay but if you guys want to be getting into becoming an personal assistant then how will you manage that with your college ?" She asked

"Oh our college is very flexible with attandance we just need to keep up with our assignment submission on time and pass exams " I replied and she hummed

"Will you guys be able to manage it then ? Look I don't want to offer you a job and then have parents come to me saying that I made their child fail .. that has happened more often then I'd like " she said

Well it does make sense I'm sure many students come in for Internships Hoping to get close to celebs

"No phi we'll be able to manage it we're usually studying on our own anyways we'll manage " rome said and i nodded

"Alright. So you " she said pointing towards rome

"You'll be assisting Pick Adulkittiporn , and you'll be assisting Pete Vihokratana " she said pointing towards me

Me and rome both gasped

I gasped out of shock while rome gasped our of pure excitement

"Phi.. aren't they like A list celebrities ?" I said and she shrugged nodded

"Yes " she said

"Don't get me wrong .. but shouldn't you hire someone who's.. uh.. a bit more experienced ?I mean we're just college students" I said and she chuckled

"Been there done that " she laughed

"Huh ?" Rome mumbled confused

"Just do what you're told and you'll be good , you'll start working from tomorrow as for today just familiarise yourself with the building and I'll introduce you two to both Pete and Pick and you can get a list of what they expect you guys to do " she said and stood up

Me and rome were still processing what was happening

"Follow me " she said making us shuffle up and follow behind

"Is this really happening ?" Rome squealed

"Apparently "

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