Chapter 11

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Pick (pov)


Argh who's at my door this early in the morning ? People who go to other people's houses without prior warning are pure monster

I said what I said

Another few knocks on the door making me sigh

"Coming !" I shouted before putting my best smile and opening the door

"Morning phi Pick" Rome exclaimed as soon as the door opened flashing a bright smile

Uh.. so .. not all are monster

How did I manage to forget that I asked Rome to come to my apartment to take my stuff

"Morning.. " I replied looking down at the brown paper bag that he was carrying

"Your breakfast phi !" He said bringing the bag up to my face

"Uh..can I come in phi ?" He asked making me realise that we were still at the door

And he was still rather awkwardly standing in the corridor

"Oh .. yeah sorry get in " I stuttered a little before moving aside and letting him come in

I closed the door behind and looked towards the little guy

He was looking around a bit in awe making me smile

"So you got breakfast before hand ?" I asked walking past him towards the kitchen

"Oh yeah.. I figured since I'll be coming to your appartment to get your stuff I should just bring your breakfast here so you don't have to eat in the car " he said following up behind me and I just nodded

"You're paying for all this from your own pocket aren't you ?" I asked remembering that I've yet to give him a credit card that he can use

"Yeah why ?" He asked and i sighed

I grabbed my wallet from the counter

"You don't have to pay~"

"Use this to pay for anything that's related to me ..your salary doesn't include all these small expenses" I said cutting him off and just just nodded talking the credit card

"What's the limit on this ?" He asked pulling out his own wallet

"There isn't one .. but don't think I don't know what expense are made on it " I said giving him a small warning making him roll his eyes

"Yeah yeah don't worry I won't go on a shopping spree with your card " he said

"I hope so " I replied and just nodded along

"Just eat phi " he said and i just nodded sitting down eating the sandwiches he got

There's more than enough for a single person why does he buy so mut food for me ?

"Uh phi.. in your schedule Today there's a four hour long acting class but it also has a D in the bracket what's that ?" He asked looking at his phone

"It's a dancing session nong " I shrugged

"What for ? And that too for 4 hours ?" He asked

"Well the upcoming show has an important dancing scene for which I need practice .. a lot of it " I replied and he hummed along nodded

"Alright alright " he replied still looking through his phone


We were on the way to the studio when I heard rome giggle a bit making me look back

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