Chapter 4: Funny Villain

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Quick trigger warning!

In the last chapter you saw that Deku was about to get hurt by Toga, so that's where we'll continue. I'll add this emoji ⚠️when the torturing ends.
That was all, let's continue to the triggering part now.

Deku's POV

Toga walked up to me with a kitchen knife.

I was scared.

I screamed for help, even though I knew no one could help.

She came closer, putting the knife on my arm.

She cut deep, very deep. It felt awful.

I cried out the pain, she didn't care much.
She went deeper and higher up towards my torso.
She drew on me, litteraly, with the kitchen knife.

The league just stared at me, it was terrifying.
I could hear Kacchan scream, half crying, he was probably holding back his tears. So was I.
I cried even more, scared of what would happen next.

However, she seemed to only draw on my left arm.
She wouldn't miss a single place, she even broke my fingers.
First she broke all five of them forwards, then backwards.
I screamed even louder, I couldn't hold back my tears.
Not that they weren't sliding over my cheeks already.
I could feel that she collected the blood with a needle.


Still Deku's POV

She stopped after torturing my whole left arm.
I cried a bit more, it hurt alot..
I looked at Kacchan, smiling a bit, nodding my head, signing that I'd be alright and he shouldn't join the league.
I then passed out.


When I woke up, I saw Kacchan again. He was in front of me, still chained up.

There was also a villain in the room. When I looked a bit closer, I saw it was Mr. Compress.
Kacchan suddenly started to talk.

"Yo, Deku. You okay?.."

"Pfft," I cackled a little. "My left arm is all messed up, yeah I'm fine."

He looked a bit worried, but we both laughed at my sarcastic comment.
"Didn't knew you could be so sarcastic, idiot." He grinned. "It's hot, you should do it more often."

I was a bit flustered, but thanked him for his compliment. You don't often get complimented by Kacchan, so I was really lucky.
"Thanks, Kacchan! You're funny."
He smiled and looked away and put his head between his knees, I couldnt see his face.
After a short while he looked up at Mr. Compress, who looked back.
I noticed they were now doing a stare contest. I was rooting for Kacchan to win, this night was actually pretty fun!

Even though Mr. Compress is a villain and was supposed to watch over us for the night, he's actually very funny and outgoing.
We did staring contests, he did some acting shows, we even played truth or dare for some silly reason.

Before we even knew, it was morning already. I noticed because there was light from underneath the huge door across the room.

Kurogiri came inside the room, he started making breakfast. I was hungry, I now haven't eaten for two days. I drooled once again, then suddenly remembered what Dabi did last time I drooled.

He was so close, he touched my lips.

I blushed a bit and ignored the slapping part.
Kacchan probably noticed the blush on my face and asked me what I was thinking about.
"Oi, nerd. Whatcha thinking 'bout?"

"A-Ah, nothing K-Kacchan.."
It would be weird telling Kacchan I blushed at something a villain did. Besides, I didn't like the villain. He just flustered me a bit, I probably just feel ashamed... or flustered.

After spacing out, I noticed Mr. Compress slowly turned into mud.
I recognized the mud, it was from Twice, if he'd clone someone and the clone was hurt, it would turn into this kind of mud.
Kurogiri grabbed a mop and a bucket of water and started to clean up the mud, you could hear the sigh coming out his nonexistent mouth.
I chuckled a bit, then went to sleep.


I'm very sorry if this chapter didn't make sense!
I wanted to try and make the story a bit longer and more interesting, so you knew how the characters act in this au. Anyways, this is the end of this chapter.
Have a nice day/night! (人*´∀`)。*゚+

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