Chapter 35

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Chapter 35 is dedicated to brokenrecords7 and Reen0810 and MayaSen4

Thank you for your support ❤

“Tsk tsk tsk. The future queen should not walk around with that thing.”

“It’s revolting.”

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes at the condescending murmurs that greeted CaVaughn and I as we stepped into the meeting room.

The queen tilted her head to one side in surprise. Ashton and the king paused whatever they were arguing about as we came in. King Caden already looked pretty angry, but when his eyes landed on CaVaughn his fury evolved.

“Get her away from him and get him out of here!” he commanded one of the guards.

CaVaughn smiled as the man inched closer to us. “Don’t make this mistake.”

“I-I have orders from the king,” he stuttered with faux bravery. “Elizabeth, please come with me.”

“Why?” I asked, folding my arms.

His eyes bulged at my question, as if the answer was glaringly obvious. “He is dangerous! There’s no telling what he’ll do.”

“Well I trust him, so...” I shrugged.

The man glanced back at the king, and his red hot glare made him start sweating nervously. I was starting to feel bad for him.

“He won’t hurt me,” I told him honestly. “If he wanted to, he could have already.”

CaVaughn transferred his glare to the man who flinched and took a step back. “I didn’t come to hurt any of you. You are my people.”

The man scoffed. “Delusional monster. You’re not even alive. You are not the same as us.”

“Then I suppose you’re talking to my ghost.”

The king looked just about ready to snap. The veins in his neck were rigid and pulsed with anger. We ignored him, and made our way over to where Ashton and all the guys were sitting. I was happy that everyone had shown up. We needed all the support we could get.

Jun’s eyes lit up when he saw us. “CaVaughn, you’re alive.”

“No, apparently this is my ghost.”

“I… I thought… I’m sorry you died.”

“Why is everybody sorry about that? It’s fine.”

“If I had been there, then yo-”

“No. If you had been there then we would both have died. It was Malekh’s intention to change me. He might have just killed you for interfering.”

Jun sighed. “You might be right.”

“We have a plan for next time though,” I gushed, excited at what we'd come up with.

“Does it involve investigating CaVaughn’s hybrid powers, exploiting their weaknesses and using them to our advantage three years from now?”

We stared at him. “Uh… yeah.”

“Guess we both thought of the same plan.” He laughed. “I just have to get the king to agree.”

“Agree to what?” the king boomed, suddenly realizing that we were having our own mini meeting and not listening to whatever it was that he was droning on about.

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