Cover Reveal

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"Life is more worthwhile when you have something worth protecting."
-Jackson, TKQ


Hey lovelies!

Abigail here👋 I've missed you all so, so, so much and I hope you're all doing great!

As you're probably aware, I've been experiencing some technical difficulties with my computer and now recently my phone, which has stopped working altogether. I'm still sorting out a few things for book 3 because unfortunately some of the earlier chapters didn't sync to my email and as such, I'm having to rewrite them.

Things are really hectic, but I really love you all, so I'm trying to get through them as quickly as possible. Let me apologize again for the inconvenience this delay has caused🥺

In the meantime, I believe a cover reveal is long overdue!

If you missed the message I'd posted on my message board, the title for book 3 is The King's Queen. The King's Queen is the third book in the Soulmate Series and will have around 130 chapters. There will also be a prologue and epilogue.

The covers for The Prince's Soulmate and The Prince's Fiancée have also been redesigned. I hope you all like them!

So without further ado, I present to you the covers! *plays off-key dramatic fanfare music🎺*

So without further ado, I present to you the covers! *plays off-key dramatic fanfare music🎺*

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These beautiful covers were designed by xxsoteria ❤

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These beautiful covers were designed by xxsoteria

The new release date for The King's Queen will be announced soon, so please stay tuned!

If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to ask them!

❤Stay happy, healthy and safe loves❤

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