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"Tae," you gasped as he squeezed you. When he finally let go, you shook your head. "Missed me already?" you asked. He nodded and let you in. "Cute."

"Says the one who hasn't even been married for a day and is already back." You rolled your eyes and smiled.

"Oh, shut up." Your eyes landed on the few bottles scattering the coffee table. "Don't tell me you drank all of that last night." He scratched the back of his head.

"I missed you?" he guessed as you picked them up to take to the trash.

"Are you still feeling hungover?" He shook his head a little before nodding. You raised an eyebrow.

"I'm feeling fine, y/n-- my head hurts a bit, that's all."

You pushed him to the couch and he chuckled, running a hand through the mess he called his hair. "I think it's time you found a girlfriend to take care of your drunk self." He rolled his eyes.

"This is what you came for?" You smiled, handing him a pill to take to make him feel better with a glass of water.

"I missed you." He smiled. "Don't you have work in a bit?" He nodded, chugging the water. He wiped his chin.

"I do-- I was gonna take a nap but you've interrupted." You smiled.

"A nap when you probably woke up an hour ago?" He gave you a grin and you shook your head as you sat on the couch. He sighed.

"Why aren't you at the palace?" You shrugged.

"I got bored."

"Where's Yoongi?" You shrugged again. "Did you walk here?" You nodded.

"I was gonna ask Jimin to get me a carriage or something but I couldn't find him so I just walked." Taehyung nodded.

"He's treating you okay?" You raised an eyebrow.

"Jimin?" Taehyung shook his head. "Oh." Yoongi.

"Is he?"

"It's been a day," you sighed, "what much is there for him to do?" Tahyung shrugged.

"Has he been nice?" He hadn't been mean. You nodded. "Has he talked to you?"

Don't touch those.

The bacon.

You nodded. "Yeah." Taehyung smiled.

"Did you sleep well?" You looked up quickly. He groaned. "No-- I don't want to hear about that; did you sleep well?"

It'll hurt your back."

"Yeah." He smiled and you smiled back. "Headache any better?"

"Maybe if you made me lunch?" You rolled your eyes and stood. "And some milk would be nice, pumpkin."

"Oh shut up and get ready for work."


"You good walking home alone?" You frowned at the word home. "Your new home," he said, correcting himself. You sighed and nodded.

"This is will always be home," you said, gesturing to the house. He smiled and kissed you on the cheek.

"Lock the door on the way out?" You nodded and waved bye as he headed down the street, turning back a few times as you waved.

You headed home soon after Taehyung had left. You decided to get a few of your extra old dresses to tear up; you needed something to do. Maybe you could set up your sewing stuff somewhere and get started on that. You'd talk to him about that.

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