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"Over there," you sighed, letting your sewing machine do one last line of stitches. You pulled the thread.

"Oh." You hummed. "Thanks."

"Yeah." You stood and turned the machine off before clearing up your stuff. You could get this dress done by tomorrow if everything went as planned.

Yoongi sat down on his side of the bed and you glanced at him before sitting on the edge of yours. Putting your hair up, you slid into the headboard, your embroidery needle in hand. "I need to talk to you about something." Your eyebrows raised, glancing at him as he kept scribbling into his notebook.

"Oh." He didn't say anything. "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah," he mumbled as he stopped writing for a moment. You wondered if he'd ever told you what he was writing. It didn't really look like words either. He didn't say anything more. You looked at him and he looked up, turning to you.

He pressed his notebook closer to him and you sighed, going back to your thread. You needed more light to thread it properly. "What is it then?" He blinked at his notebook.

How was he supposed to just break this to you?

"It's--" he frowned as he scribbled something out. You looked over. "Sorry."

"It's okay." You stared ahead of yourself. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." Yoongi tipped his head back, closing his eyes as he rested it against the back of his headboard.

If only he could just do that.

"I need sleep," he said. "Can I turn the lights off?" You nodded and wrapped the thread around your things before setting it on your nightstand. He put his notebook away and stood as you slid into your sheets.

"Tell me tomorrow then." He nodded and chugged the rest of the tea, it having cooled down quite a bit. You turned to face the other way as he turned the lights off and sat down in bed, facing the other way.



"Are you visiting your brother?" You turned and shook your head.

"No, he has work today." Yoongi nodded and you turned back to filling up your bag. "Maybe after." You felt his eyes on you and paused while picking up your fabric. You turned back to look at him and he quickly looked away.

You went back to shoving things in your bag and sighed, crouching under your desk for your scissors. "Where are you going?" You looked at him as you emerged from under the table.

"To the village." He stared. "I'm still teaching the kids there how to sew and embroider." He nodded. You checked your bag one more time and then the clock. You nodded. "I'll be on my way then-- I'll be home for dinner." He nodded.

You gave him a small smile before exiting the room. You didn't get very far before he approached you again. You turned at the sound of his steps. "Everything okay?" He nodded.

"Can I come?"

You blinked at him before looking behind you, as if he could be talking to anyone else. Of course, there was no one else around. You looked at him and he ran a hand over his face.

"Sure." He nodded and you turned back to head down the steps, a confused smile on your face.

He denied the need for a carriage again and you walked together in silence. "I need to tell you something." You didn't say anything for a second.

"Okay." He was divorcing you, he had to be.

"Yesterday," he paused and you took a second to close your eyes and breathe. "At the, at--" He stopped.

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