f o u r ↣ guilty allowances

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"Did you have to do a lot of sutures?" I nervously ask Hershel. "Before all of this?"

A few minutes ago, I hesitantly decided to take Glenn's advice about my sliced hand. The one with its bloody fingers on the surface of the small table, lying opened towards Hershel's squinting eyes.

The impatient man sucks in a breath, noticing my apprehensiveness.

"All the time." His country accent slowly sounds out in a mutter. The man's words enunciate as if he's speaking to a child.

I guess I'm just short of feeling like a scared little toddler, as the man pours peroxide on my wound. The stinging doesn't phase my mind, because it knows what's going to come next.

The needle.

My eyes watch the man wipe the tip of the curved suturing needle with a peroxide-soaked cotton ball. He then picks up a small pair of pliers, fastening the small needle in its grip.

I can't bring myself to look away as he lowers the pliers closer to my skin. Trying to keep my eyes from widening doesn't prove too successful, as I also subconsciously inch my hand farther away.

"Dear," Hershel starts. "You'll have to keep still, if you want it to get better."

Gulping down a lump in my throat, I say nothing. My nervous eyes continue to gape at the man in front of me.

The man leans in closer, offering me a gentle smile from just above his white beard. "I bet it won't feel as bad as this."

Hershel leans back in his chair and slightly sticks out his nub of a leg, putting it within my vision.

My lips curve into a small, involuntary smile.

"Sorry." I hesitantly lower the back of my hand down to the surface of the table, allowing the man to have at it.

Except this time, I look away. My eyes fix themselves on the corner of his cell.

"So," The man starts, just as the needle pierces into the skin of my ring finger. "I've been told that you and the boy found all this stuff."

"Yes sir, I even found the suture kit." I sigh, my eye twitching from the slight pain of the needle. "Guess it came in handy." My nervous chuckle sounds out.

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