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Alexandria's spirits have been on a steady incline ever since the inconclusive war.

And, unexpectedly, so have mine.

The gruesome events that took place around a week and a half ago, were just what Rick Grimes needed to start leading our people out on the offense. Alexandria now plans to finish everything that the Saviors have started. Once and for all.

Our leader's newfound confidence about this whole thing has made almost everyone feel a lot better about their resentment towards the Saviors. That says a lot, considering just a few weeks ago we were working for them like a pack of dogs.

As an ode to Alexandria's new beginning, I decided it was time to ask about possibly moving in with Aaron and Eric right after the war. The two were more than happy to have me.

It's the only way to rid myself of my house that's continuously found itself empty, time and time again. First, it was the painfully noticeable absence of the Anderson family, then came the stinging silence left after the more recent death of Olivia.

The only other person who's stayed in that house besides me is Judith Grimes. I've had to watch the child nearly every day since Rick's been preoccupied on ventures having to do with the Saviors.

Inheriting the babysitter role from Olivia has been the least of my problems ever since her untimely demise. I've really taken a liking to the small child.

Before, I'd never really gotten the chance to spend time with her, as a newborn baby. They say it takes a village to raise one, and that little girl sure has one hell of a list of people who love to take care of her. It was only a few weeks ago that I got the chance to become one of them.

Ever since Rick's been missing in action, and Michonne's been on the road to her recovery, the little girl has quickly trickled down her list of eligible babysitters. This led her straight to me.

And I don't mind. In fact, what I actually do mind, in this moment, is having absolutely nothing to do.

After spending my morning unpacking, checking up on Michonne, and going without seeing Carl or Judith, I am bored out of my mind. My freshly dusted room sits as still as ever, as I lie down on my bed, staring at the ceiling.

My ears perk up when the slam of the front door thuds throughout the house.

As I'd made the ultimate move—of simply carrying a few boxes of my things a few houses down the street—to get away from an empty house, that's all I've been faced with lately. Much to each other's opposition, Aaron and Eric have spent more time embarking on the journey of the war, than safe at home. As if I've even lived here long enough to call it a home.

EXTINCTION EVENT | CARL GRIMESWhere stories live. Discover now