C H A P T E R 5

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tw: mentions of rape

"Go we'll join you in a min," JJ instructed to the others, running towards the waves. They all got in the water and started surfing, as the two friends stayed quiet for a few seconds.

"So what's up Maybank," Callie asked, laying on her towel, enjoying the sun rays on her body.

"Don't act like a dumbass Sanders, I know you lied to me"

Callie scoffed and sat up to look at him. What the hell did she do wrong? "What?" she asked.

"Last time you said your uncle wasn't hurting you anymore. It's not true," he said like it was a sure thing.

"What the hell JJ?" she asked, waiting for him to spill the tea.

"When I carried you at the chateau I saw the cuts and marks on your body Sanders. You should've told us instead of lying so we wouldn't worry"

"Oh this? no it's not, it's not James," she spoke too fast, but realised it too late.

"What do you mean by it's not James?" JJ asked, concerned.

"I hum- I surfed here this morning, and I fell"

There was no way she could tell him what happened. JJ had to be the last person to learn about it, because he would make a big drama out of it and it was really not what she needed.

"I was here this morning, and you weren't there to what I saw," JJ contradicted.

"Ouh you were with some girl-" she teased, to clean the air.

"Cal thats- that's not funny," he cut her, to what her little giggles subsided.

"Right" she only replied.

"So, who gave you these marks on your body?"

"You'll be mad"

"Nah I won't," he pretended, and Callie kind of knew he was lying.

"Pinky promise you won't lose your mind," she raised her pinky finger and he rolled eyes as they sealed the promise by crossing their fingers together.

"Topper did," she said, shrugging.

"Thornton did this to you?"

"Yes, but it's okay I-"

"How ? Come on Sanders tell me how cause I swear-"

"You promised JJ" she mumbled softly.

"Right. How?" he contained the anger.

"Well rape was involved" she said, on verge of tears. JJ looked at her like he had just seen at ghost, before taking his cap off his head in surprise.

"What the fuck?" he yelled and she rolled eyes because he has promised not to freak out a few seconds before. "Sorry, w-what?" he repeated more calmly.

"I mean it's okay JJ, I'll be fine," she said faking a smile but a tear pouring down her cheek betrayed her. "Right?"

"When did it happen?" he asked, taking her hand into his.


"Cal I swear, I won't-"

"You coming in or what?" Kiara yelled at her two friends. JJ rolled eyes, annoyed they'd have to end this conversation.

"JJ don't tell anyone okay. Not even Pope or Kie or John B. I shouldn't have told you either"

"Well I'm glad you did"

"You're a stubborn person Maybank," she said, getting up and taking her surf board along with her.

"We'll talk about this later Cal. Don't think I'll forget"

"Last hitting a wave is a Kook," Callie yelled as she started running and so did JJ. If there was a thing in the world that could have her forgetting about it for a minute, it had to be surfing.


After hours of surfing, they all needed some rest. Still at the beach, they enjoyed the rays of sun on their skin.

"I don't wanna go back to school. Like never," John B stated, already depressing to these thoughts.

"Just shut up," Kiaa snapped, "you're gonna ruin our mood," she kept going.

"True. But school is important for you. How will you even build your future if you don't-"

"Shut up already Pope," JJ cut off, not in the school mood.

"He's right though. School is important," Callie said, supporting Pope.

"It's not as easy Cal. We can't all afford going to Stanford when summer is over," JJ snapped.

"Shut up already JJ" Cal teased, middle finger up, quoting him.

He knew she hated being related to Kooks life, money, and so on.

"What are you guys doing next year?" Callie asked, curling up her knees against her chest.

"Well we finish high school I guess," John B replied, reminding to Callie she was one year older than them.

"Oh right," she replied, winking at him.

"Hey don't go forgetting about us Cal"

"You know what? I'm actually very scared of going fa-"

All of sudden, her phone rang, cutting her off, and she went to grab it.

"Oh damn it's my uncle I should pick up this call," said Callie, getting up and walking away from her friends, just in case.

"Where are you at right now?" he asked her.

"At the beach why?"

"Get home now, we have a dinner at the Camerons tonight"

"What? It's like what, 6pm and you're telling it to me right now? you know I need time to get ready !" she yelled, annoyed.

"Callie you're annoying right now. Get your ass back here. We have to be there at 8pm, I guess it gives you enough time to take a shower doesn't it ?"

"Right. I'm coming. See you" she ended the call and ran towards her friends.

"What's up with him?" JJ asked her.

"Guess what? We have a dinner at the Camerons tonight and he only warns me now, I have to head home guys I'm so sorry," she apologised, taking her stuffs.

"It's okay we forgive you. As long as you bring us caviar and champagne tomorrow," joked John B, getting up and giving her a quick goodbye hug.

"Don't go down this road Routledge, You're not gonna end up like this blonde boy over here," she said, showing JJ with her finger as he sent her a flying kiss.

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