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Callie woke up with Rafe's arms wrapped around her waist. Her head was laying on his chest and she wondered how the hell didn't she notice it earlier.

She took one of his arms and let go of his embrace, making sure not to wake him up, she got into her bedroom and got ready. She showered, brushed her teeth and got dressed.

She heard a knock on her front door and immediately opened it.

"Hey pretty girl, you ready?" he asked.

"Always," she giggled. "Where are you taking me?"

"Somewhere you'll love," he replied.

She followed him without asking questions and after a few minutes of walking side by side, Rafe entered a steeple, letting Callie know she had to follow him.

"It starts becoming weird Cameron," she started panicking.

He rolled eyes and took her hand to reassure her. They climbed up a few staircases, that felt like a thousand to their legs.

When they got at the top, Rafe placed himself behind Callie and guided her towards a small window.

From up there, she could see the entire city, the buildings and the streets seemingly endless of sight. "Oh my god Rafe it's beautiful," she said, still looking outside.

She felt his arms wrapping her from behind and his head lying on between her shoulder and her neck. "You think it is?"

She nodded and giggled when he left a small kiss on her right temple. They contemplated for a few minutes, looking at every single detail of the landscape.

"Let's get outta here I have a few places more to show you"

"How do you know these places?" she asked, wondering what kinda thing he was hiding from her.

"When I was your age my dad sent me here to study and I went to a great school. Let's say I partied more than studied. So he sent me to another one closer to the Outer Banks last year"

"Oh I see. So you're bringing me everywhere you brought your girlfriends before"

"Girlfriends? I didn't have girlfriends here. I just had a few hook-"

"That's right Rafe Cameron doesn't date," she said, quoting the sentence everybody used to say in High School, cause he was unattainable.

"Don't- don't say that, please," he asked very serious, and she felt bad immediately.

"How about we get out of here? I'm starving," he changed the subject as he wasn't very confident about it, for some reasons Callie ignored.

They got downstairs and kept visiting the city, throwing some bad jokes to each other's face and discovering places prettier than the precedent ones.

Callie was completely in love with California yet. She had not seen a lot but bet it was incredible.


Once the sun was almost set, Rafe guided Callie towards a small bar, full of people, with such a loud music that caused they could barely hear each other.

"Why are we here again?"

"They have the best food," Cameron stated, imitating a chief kiss. "Trust in my culinary experience," he added causing her to laugh.

They sat around the counter which were basically the two only places they could find.

"What do you think of California so far?" Rafe asked loudly to cover the music with his voice.

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