magic shop.

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━━ july 23rd, 2018.
and i'm willing to go to hell and back—
and back again, if it means i get to be with you. ❞

"ew, out of all people, why her?"

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"ew, out of all people, why her?"

"this is just a quick cash grab"

"they don't even look good together"

"it's just puppy love, they're bound to break up soon"

"she's too good for him"
"no, he's too good for her"

"guys, it's their life, stay out of it."

MIN DIDN'T EVEN REALIZE she'd been reading comments until 2am. a lot of her bits were happy for her, and a lot of her celebrity friends also expressed their joy, which min was very grateful for. but that didn't stop the disapproval from the rest of the overwhelming masses. she knew that not everybody would support their relationship, but she didn't expect it to be this many people.

   she remembered all of the hate that she'd gotten when she just started out. how the majority of the comments she got were telling her that she was too young to be successful, not talented or pretty enough, and to quit while she was still ahead. she remembered how she was so overwhelmed and tired by just that. if she thought all of that was overwhelming back then, then all of the comments she was receiving now had to be 10 times as overwhelming. she guessed it might have had to do with the fact that both her and jimin were definitely more successful now than they were back then, but that didn't do her any good in this situation.

   she was feeling a lot of things. sadness, anger, guilt, doubt, yeah, but she was also confused. just a few days before they released the dream of you music video, and even a bit after, half of her instagram explore page was just ship posts and edits about her and jimin. so why was it that now that the article was released, and those edits had basically come to life, did they all suddenly do a complete 180? why were the people who were posting about how good they looked together the same people who were sending her death threats? was her love life all just for their entertainment, and then when things suddenly don't go their way and they aren't having fun anymore, they get mad? why couldn't people just be happy for her? for them? she managed to finally find a love like her parents did, which she honestly thought she'd never be able to do and something a lot of people knew was a lifetime goal of hers. so knowing that, why did people have to be so selfish?

   and it wasn't just online, either. she'd gone out earlier that day for a meeting when a crowd surrounded the car. it wasn't full of her fans, however, but rather sasaengs and delulus. the crowd was so big, people passing by would've thought it was a line for a fan meet. the minute she stepped out of the car, hands were launched towards her, looking to swing or grab at her. luckily, there was a ton of security there long before she arrived, so none of them actually reached her, but the experience was still scary nonetheless. one sasaeng is scary enough, but an entire crowd of them? and all of this security just for her to walk into the building? if this was just the beginning, she couldn't even imagine how it would be every single time she wanted to go out.

𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋  ,  𝐬𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐢𝐬𝐭.Where stories live. Discover now