the aftermath.

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━━ july 10, 2021.
screw you and your perfect side profile!

NOTES BEFORE WE START: just so we're all on the same page about the time situation, min got to jimin's dorm at around 11:50-ish a.m. and fell asleep around 12:15-ish.
this is a long one, so enjoy!

    WHEN MIN WAKES UP, Jimin is nowhere to be found

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    WHEN MIN WAKES UP, Jimin is nowhere to be found.

When she stretches, her eyes still shut, she does not feel him beside her. The observation is startling enough to stir her awake, forcing her eyes to fall open.

Min's eyes dart around the room for a moment. In her wake, she vaguely recalls how she fell asleep in Jimin's arms, her body wrapped in his and her heart wrapped with content. A similar warmth slowly makes its way back into her heart as it remembers the way he had comforted Min when she had been afraid and paranoid. The warmth of his touch, of his concern, his care. It is the warmth of his love that is slowly touching every corner of her heart, spilling its way into her entire body, claiming Min home as if she is where it belongs.

However, the warmth is quickly doused, an icy feeling taking its place, when she remembers why he had been comforting her in the first place.

Min sits up, refusing to let the restlessness anchor her down as everything comes fleeting back to her. Although she feels at home with him, she is forced to remember what has happened to her actual home.

She absentmindedly reaches for her phone, which is left coincidentally on the bedside table. She does not remember bringing it in, but then again, she does not really remember her journey to this room in the first place. It is likely, she concludes, she had it on her when she made her way here.

    The screen lights up, displaying the time. 1:20 P.M.. Min had been asleep for just over an hour.

Min unlocks her phone and mindlessly opens Twitter out of habit. It's a bad habit she needs to get rid of, she scolds herself. The app barely does her any good. All it does is either start her day on an angry note or much later than when she woke up. Sometimes it's both. It certainly did not do her well the last time she opened it.

And truly, she does not know what she expected to see. Of course, her timeline is flooded with talk surrounding her situation. How could it not, when everything had just happened a few hours ago? Articles covering everything for the ones who are unaware, comments from the public and her fans alike expressing concern, confusion, and anger. A ghost of a smile hints at her lips then, because at least there are some people in this world who have the decency of understanding the danger she was put in. At least there are people in this world who still have empathy.

Or perhaps she spoke too soon. Min scrolls for a couple more minutes and sees the death threats. Again.

    She lets out a heavy sigh and closes her eyes. In the chaos of the escapade and panic attack, the distasteful comments made about her had slipped her mind. She's lucky she'd already seen the most of it, because she doesn't know how she'd react if this moment was her first.

𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋  ,  𝐬𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐢𝐬𝐭.Where stories live. Discover now