33. Truth or Dare

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"Just breathe, Olivia, just take nice deep breaths..."

I don't know whether it's simply the slow circles Otis massages into the small of my back, or if he's working some silent spell on me but either way my heart rate begins to steady. Stooping low enough that his icy cold hair brushes my brow, I let him hold me close and follow his instructions.

"Drink some more water," Lee instructs, returning to kneel in front of me and forcing yet another glass into my hand.

"H-How bad is it?" I ask, taking a small sip.

"Considering you've got the essence of a minor deity pumping around you... the potency will definitely be reduced. You're not going to die or anything from weed," Lee replies. "Get some comfortable clothes on, eat, drink and you can probably sleep it off. Or stay up and just enjoy the high- Like that freeloader over there."

Otis pouts guiltily, caught with the jar of gummies half materialised in his lap, two of the edibles clutched on his fingers. "... I didn't want Olivia to feel alone while burning away her braincells. It's an act of solidarity."

"Uh huh..."

Something twitches under the skin of my arms and my stomach rises to my throat. "I don't think I can sleep, Lee. I don't feel too good."

Lee rubs his eyes. "That's OK. We can stay up. Watch some TV. I have a few soft pillows you can rub your face against. That always helps me. Come on."

Lee extends a hand to help me up, but it's Otis's inhuman strength I trust to get me to my feet. His arm is as hard and icy as stone beneath my fingers, the flesh warped and rippling in way no human muscle should. The godling flashes me a fang toothed smile, arm snaking around my waist.

"Woah," I moan as Otis stands me up, the blood draining from my brain in a giddying rush. I feel lighter than ever, my feet suddenly some great, unseen distance beneath me as though I'm tottering on stilts. Another burst of giggles escapes my lips. "Is this how you feel, Lee?"

"Do I feel like I'm getting cuddled by Otysses Creed? Yeah- um, no, Olivia."

"You should try it."

"I'll uh... make a note of that."

Lee's spare room is as ideal for greening out as he'd described it. The floors is littered with beanbags, cushions and blankets, with one enormous couch laying low on the floor in one corner. The far wall is covered in shelves of old CDs, DVDs and game disks. Otis rushes to it after depositing me heavily on the sofa.

"Why do you have all eight seasons of 'All or Nothing'? That show sucked. Also, so many Katy Perry tracks."

"Mind your business," Lee replies, gathering an armful of blankets and tossing them my way. "Are you feeling OK, Olivia?"

"Yes, dad," I mutter, burying my face in a particularly plush throw. The feeling is as toe-curlingly incredible as he'd said. A long, deep moan fills the room and it takes me a second to realise it's coming from me. "This is good."

Lee's laugh is as husky and genuine as I've ever heard it as I feel the cushions beside me compress under his weight. "Come here."

Obediently, I lean back until I feel his touch tugging gently at the base of my braid. Lee eases the hair tie free and combs gently through the strands. It costs every inch of my remaining self control to keeping my damn mouth shut as his long fingers slide their way up the back of my skull to massage my scalp, raking out my braid.

"Is this OK?" He murmurs.

I can't feel my tongue enough to form a response other than the small sigh of ecstasy that leaves my throat.

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