Author's Addendum

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Holy cow. We're done for Otis, Olivia and Lee. Cheers to that.

A weight has definitely been lifted off my shoulders and I'm excited to sleep easy without these three assholes in my brain for at least a couple of weeks.

I want to thank every single one of you readers, especially you. I feel like you're my honorary besties after sticking with me through all this. Hell, you're my friends with benefits.

Thank you, thank you, thank you. I hope The Edifice has lived up to your same low standards that got you here in the first place. I'll miss you... BUT it isn't over.

I was going to jump straight into a second book but I'm happy leaving the Edifice as standalone for the next little while as I pull together a few solid base chapters for more content.

Watch this space though- I'll be uploading some teasers here that might take a few of you by surprise.

I really appreciate the time you've spent reading this and hope you've enjoyed the stories of Olivia, Lee and Otis. I love you. I'm in love with you. Marry me. Elope to the Edifice with me. We're besties. We're soul mates. We're sussy bakas. 

You guys are the BEST and I guess I'll be seeing you soon....

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