Chapter 23

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Bellas pov:

I have to tell George about my conversation with Draco.

"George. I talked to him."
"How did it go?"
"It was good."
"How did he react?"

George asked.
I had to choose between the truth or the lie now.

"He was suprised. At first he was a bit confused but then after i told him who the father is he congratulated you and he was happy for me."

I said. I chose the lie.
This is the absolute last lie that im ever going to tell him.

"Really? He congratulated me? Are you sure about that?"

George asked, he got suspisious.

"Yes i am sure George, i would never lie to you about that. He also told me that hes sorry for what he did and he thinks that im going to be a great mother."

I said.

"Well, if you say that thats the truth then i have to belive you. I also think that you're going to be a great mother."

George said and hugged me.

He is so innocent and good to me, how did i become such a big lier...

Georges pov:

I dont belive her.

She's definitely hiding something i just dont know what but i will find out. I just cant tell her that i dont belive her.

I will have to talk to Malfoy, and ask him. Hopefully he will tell me the truth.

I'll go talk to him after dinner, that'll be soon.

after dinner

I carefully followed Malfoy so that nobody would see me expecially not Bella or Malfoy himself. When he was about to go to the Slytherin commonroom i pulled him in a room and closed the door. I have put a silencing spell on the room before he entered.

"Weasley? What do you want from me? Let me out."

Draco said. He was as annoying as i remember him.

"Malfoy listen to me. I know that Bella talked to you today about her pregnancy ans who the father is, what did she tell you?"

I asked. I saw in his face that he didnt kniw what to say.

"I- she told me that you are the father."

He said. Atleast she didnt lie about that part.

"What else? What did you say?"
"I- i was happy for her and i was suprised after i heard it. It was- it was quite a reassuring after i heard it yes."

He said kinda nervous. Im not sure if i should belive him.

"What else did you say to her?"
"What id this? An interrogation or what? Come on man just leave me alone."

He says and wants to leave. But i hold the door closed with my arm so he couldnt get out, he looked at me and then looked back to the floor.


He said.

"I told her that im happy for you two but actually im jealous that im not the father, but i think even if i was she would want to ceep it a secret from everyone including me. But i also think that the baby will be happier and safer with you than with me because im a wrack and im a very difficult and arrogant person, that child wouldnt be safe with me and my family. But with yours, it'll have a perfect life, you are all so nice and good to eachother no one is toxic in your family. So yes, i am jealous of you but aso relieved at the same time. I just want you to take care of her, of both of them."

He said. I was happy with the things he said about my family but not what he said about him self.

I opend the door and took away the silencing spell.

"Thank you."

I said and looked down at the floor.

"No. Thank you."

He said and left the room.
I feel bad for not beliving Bella, she actually was telling the truth. I'll never doubt on her again.


I call for her as i get back to our dorm.

"We'll have to tell our families."

I say but i forgot that Fred was in here too.

"Tell them what?"

Fred asked.

Bella and i looked at eachother.

"Bella is pregnant and i am the father."

I said.

Fred looked at Bella.

"My brother got you pregnant?"

He asked with a sad and disturbed face.

"Yes Fred, we are going to be a little family. Isnt that great news?"

Bella said smiling an then she kissed me.
Fred watched us, he didnt seem so happy but his face quickly changed.

"I- yes of course! Thats awesome really. Im so happy for you guys but what about Harry? Bella he will punish you so bad that you'll be grounded for the rest of your life and dont get me started on you George, he will kill you and im not even kidding."

Fred said.

"Harry isnt my dad, hes my brother he cant punish me. But he can and probably will kill George."

Bella said.

"We'll tell him, but not now. Bella you should tell him that because hes your brother, i already told mine."
"George you have another 5 brothers and a sister to tell, dootn forget your parents too. Luckely i dont have them anymore because Harry is just like my out father that means that you would get killed twice."

Bella said. She made me laugh with that but its kinda sad that shes joking about her parents death.

Bellas pov:

Fred is right, i will have to tell Harry and i already know that he will be so disgusted and dissapointed in me, but i actually dont care because he cant controll me.

I'll tell him as soon as possible. I think i'll tell him tomorrow.

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