Why the fuck are the discs suddenly important again?

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I've been practising Wilbur Soot songs on my guitar for the past hour.. eh here have an update.


Tommy woke up feeling okay, he just had a feeling that today wasn't gonna be great. But he was okay, for now.

When he finally came downstairs he noticed Technoblade and Philza were talking about him, about his discs.



Dream had just talked to Skeppy, easily getting Tommy's disc back. 

He sighed, now he only needed the disc Tubbo had. That was gonna be a bit harder, but he needed it.

He was walking around in Snowchester now, not really knowing where Tubbo should be so just knocking on the door of every building.

When Tubbo finally opened one of the doors, Dream stook there awkwardly for a second.

Then when Tubbo didn't say something, Dream decided to just go straight to the point. "I need Mellohi."

Tubbo Looked at him, shocked. 

"Why? Why do you need it? He t-trusted me with it."

"But he doesn't care anymore does he? He fought with Techno, Philza and Wilbur. He even made Ranboo switch sides."

And Tubbo knew it was true, "Yeah okay whatever you can have it." He decided.

He walked back into the building and looked into his enderchest and gave Dream the disc.

"Thank you, Tubbo." Dream said.

The next thing he had to do is leave a book and a compass somewhere where Tommy or any of the SBI would find it.

I have your discs again, Tubbo gave one of them. The other one I stil had. If you want them back, follow the compass.

You can take one person with you, not Technoblade.
If you take Technoblade with you or bring more than one person, I will burn them.

See you there.

He already had the compass. The last few weeks he had made a 'vault' with all the important items for everyone in the server.

He still needed some of them, like the axe of peace.

He decided to just put a chest with it in front of Techno's house. They would find it.


And they did find it, more specifically Philza found it.

That's why he and Technoblade were talking about the discs when Tommy came downstairs.

"Guys? What's wrong?" Tommy asked while sitting down next to Techno.

Philza let him read the note Dream left.

"I don't need the discs anymore." Tommy said and both Philza and Techno needed a second to cover the shock on their faces.

"I think you should go, I'll come after you and we can end Dream." Techno said, while Wilbur sat down next to him.

"Sam can help, maybe we put him in the prison Sam's building for him, just so he's trapped in a place he wanted to trap us in. Then we can let him rot in there and kill him later." Wilbur said and then added, "See it as torture, it's more fun."

"That's actually a pretty good idea." Technoblade decided, "We just have to talk to Sam."

"Yeah," Wilbur shrugged, "leave that to me."

"Okay." Philza said and both Wilbur and Tommy finally started eating.

"You wanna join me when I'm gonna talk to Sam?" Wilbur asked Tommy, after a while.

"Uh- I guess." Tommy shrugged.


Tommy and Wilbur were running through the nether, because Tommy accidently hit an zombie pigman.

When they finally reached the portal, they went through and walked further, finally save.

They honestly had no idea where Sam would be right now, so they walked and walked, until they finally saw Sam standing next to Hannah's house.

"Sam!" Tommy shouted.

Sam looked at him, suprised because they never really talked before.

"Look," Wilbur said, "we need to put Dream in the prison. He's dangerous Sam." 

"I can't just use the prison, it isn't mine!" Sam said.

"But you can, you are the only one who can come inside."

Wilbur shoved the note Dream send into Sam's  hands, "You know what this is?  This is Dream who's gonna try to kill my little brother!"

And Sam looked at the note and knew it was true. Sam never really liked Dream, but he needed a way to earn money or at least ores and he was good at redstone and building, so ofcourse he didn't say no when Dream asked him to build a prison.

"Fine, just tell me when and where I have to be I'll be there." Sam said and Wilbur nod, "Thank you. You can go with Technoblade."

"But it says you shouldn't bring Technoblade.." Sam muttered and Wilbur smiled, "Exactly."

"Thanks big S." Tommy laughed and Sam decided to ignore what he just said.


Now all they had to do is get Tommy some better armour and weapons, so he would actually survive until Technoblade and Sam arrived.

They decided that Wilbur would join Tommy at first, because Philza only had one canon life.

Philza and Ranboo would join Technoblade and Sam.

No one actually knew how much life's Wilbur had after being revived.


I wrote this instead of making homework.

Exile - Sleepyboisinc [DSMP]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin