tommy wakes up.

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GUESS WHAT BITCHES IM BACK! I had test week and I'm finally almost fucking done, one more test to go. But atleast I can finally update this again.

Tommy blinked and the first thing he noticed was the bright light in the room, since when was this light so fucking bright?

He groaned and closed his eyes again, not ready to face the light. Hell, as a kid he used to be scared of the dark, look how far he had come.

"He's awake!" He heard someone say and Tommy wanted to shout something like: 'oh shut the fuck up' but ended up coughing instead, his mouth has never felt this dry before.

Finally opening his eyes, to glare at the person who shouted, he saw Technoblade stand in front of him with a raised eyebrow and a glass of water. 

Maybe he should save the glaring part for later, he thought. He grabbed the water and drank it, trying to take small sips but ending up downing the whole glass in one go.

"Thank you." He said and Technoblade nodded and stepped aside, letting Wilbur run past him to hug tommy.

"I'm so so sorry, Toms." Wilbur whispered and Tommy looked up at him, confused. Then all the memories came back. 

Breaking vines. Last piece. Shit. 

"What- what happend? How long was I-"

"3 days, I was scared to death." Wilbur whispered.

"Please tell Wilbur to stop blaming himself,  he's annoying as fuck." Technoblade muttered.

Tommy laughed and Wilbur decided to ignore Technoblade and instead kept apologizing.

Technoblade looked at him and Tommy sighed taking pity on both of them and said, "It's 'kay Wilbur, I don't blame you."

"I should've known something wou-"

"Oh please shut the fuck up Wilbur! He forgave you, now go away I have to check Tommy's back." Technoblade held up two health potions and Wilbur shook his head, but did stop hugging Tommy and stood back so Techno was able to check him.

Tommy smiled and whispered to Technoblade, "You're welcome, bitch."

And Technoblade might have had a fond smile on his face, but he would deny that till his dying day. 


The rest of the day was one long day of everyone visiting Tommy and telling him stories about what he missed, which wasn't  a lot to be honest.

Ranboo went into great detail about Wilbur almost passing out from exhaustion from worry making Wilbur, who had stayed with Tommy the whole day, scowl and leave for 5 minutes until deciding he wanted to stay with his brother, anyways.

Tommy thought that was really funny.

Niki came together with Eret and they were carrying a plate with self made cookies, which they had made together the moment they heard Tommy had woken up, that being the reason they were later.

And Tommy had forget about Niki's bakery, so he was shocked at how good they actually were at baking, before remembering all the bread in L'manberg had come from Niki.

He made a note to himself to ask Niki if they could bake together sometimes.

Eret's presence had been suprisingly peaceful and they had changed a lot since their betrayal.

That was a good thing, obviously.


At the end of the day it was just him and Wilbur again and Tommy had to admit it was nice. Wilbur told him stories about Ghostbur and Glatt, possessing animals, explaining their friendship and eventually shouted for Schlatt to come and join them to tell his side.

And then Schlatt and Wilbur were just bickering and Tommy was content to just listen to them. Today had been a great day, even though his back still hurted like hell, it had been great.

He just hoped he could get out of this bed soon and get back to whatever the fuck him and Ranboo used to do.

Just things like running through a forest and Ranboo scaring the crap out of him by teleporting, snowball fights, riding on Oakley to a random place with Wilbur or Techno.

He just missed not having to fight all the time.

But he did appreciate the things all this pain brought him, a family and some very good friends he wouldn't have even considered talking to if it hadn't been these circumstances.

Maybe, if all of this was over, the pain would have been worth it.

"I appreciate you guys," He said without realizing and Wilbur and Schlatt stopped bickering immediatly, both having soft smiled on their faces now. Because how couldn't they?

"We appreciate you too." Wilbur said and Schlatt nodded.

Yeah, it would all be worth it.


Soft chapter.

Okay imma go back to learning biology now. bye.

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