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Hello, it's Lea (The author). 

This isn't a part of the book or story in any way. But I need to talk about something that unfolded the other night. I really debated on even addressing this, as I am not the type of person to deal with confrontation or blatantly call someone out. After delegating with the people involved it was decided that I should address it. So, yes, I did have the consent of the members of the server to share this information.

To summarize; Someone (that will remain nameless) went behind multiple people's back and took valuable information. When they got caught, they fled and tried to hide to continue taking advantage of people further. 

I would first like to state that this book is for fun, it's made so people can form connections. I read all my comments and enjoy talking and interacting with my readers. 

If you weren't aware, CORRUPT is based on a nightmare I had. The people that run the CORRUPT Discord server are my friends, and CORRUPT wouldn't have even been a fanfiction without them, firstly giving me the idea of making it a horror fanfiction, and secondly supporting me in doing so. 

 CORRUPT is also a pretty big project. I have multiple friends involved helping me come up with ideas, helping me edit all the charts and photos you guys see in chapters. And overall helping me expand and maintain the entire story. 

I do this so I can bring the best experience for everyone involved. Not only me and the team of creators having fun thinking of ideas and passwords but the groups of people collaborating and bothering to dig deeper into the story. 

It honestly shocks me how something like this can happen so early in the story when not even a lot of information has been released. So it hurts to see people, how do I frame this lightly, taken advantage of? Which ruins it for everyone, and the people who spent time working on the story. Purely to have their work taken from them.

To me, it is disrespectful to the time and effort that these people sacrificed to gain the information. Only to quickly use it to your advantage. Just because you aren't smart enough to solve things yourself. And then afterward, running away and avoiding the consequences of your actions. 

Changing everything to hope you won't be found. It's cowardly. And frail that you would bother hiding behind the anonymity given to you, instead of owning up to your faults and apologizing for your actions. Running away from the problems you cause and the pain and anger of disrespecting people's work is low and immature. It completely ruins things everyone has tried to set up and exposes multiple people. 

The discord server is there for collaboration and sharing of info. Even if you think you have nothing to contribute just joining to steal their hard work for your own benefit is unacceptable. And I hope you know I will refuse to let any of their work get taken advantage of like this. 

Which is why I told them all the info that was leaked to me. As to make sure I, nor the person would unfairly benefit from this situation. Withholding information doesn't help anyone. Don't be greedy and hoard things to yourself when you're part of a group that's made for the purpose of working together to help everyone.

I would also like to clarify the difference between working on the story yourself and gaining said information with your own work and taking the information other people worked towards. The people who work on the story independently use their free time to get the answers they are looking for. This particular person, joined the discord server to view their work, with no intention of ever giving them information in return. 

Their thoughtless actions go against the mutual agreement the server has of sharing information. Not being active or not having much to share is completely fine but it crosses the line to take advantage of their efforts. Even if you don't understand finding links or breaking codes it doesn't take anything to simply message characters to ask them questions, so I can guarantee you have something to offer.

It is not fair to anyone involved to exploit their hard work. 

Now that this has been said. Please, do not ask me who did this, do not try and find them, and do not bother the discord members about it. It is unfortunate this has happened but we are all going to put it in the past, and continue with a better vibe with fun mystery-solving things in the future. 

I hope we do not have to deal with any similar situation to this going forward. 

I'd like to thank the rest of my readers for their maturity and understanding of the situation. 

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