19. Surprise Visit

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Hey there y'all! I have dedicated this chapter solely to Hooriya and Suleiman! 😏🌚❤

Now let's begin the reading!

Enjoy! 💜💫


Hooriya's POV:

One month later:

Ah yes! The British came here in 1608, so that would mean that they reigned for more than 200 years...

I was continuously looking to and fro from the book and making the necessary notes, all the while listening to one of my most favorite ted talks, and sipping on my mango juice. It's been a whole month since Suleiman and I's wedding dates were fixed and the families had gathered together to celebrate, and that was also the last time I'd met Suleiman. He had gotten a call from one of his branch offices in Islamabad the very next day and immediately had to leave as someone had stolen confidential information about an upcoming project and the whole company was in chaos.

I sighed as I thought about how busy he has been the past month. He only called me three or four times, and that too just to ask me the basic ¨How are you?¨ and ¨How is your preparation going?¨ questions. On the plus side though, I've started my preparations for my CSS exams, so that has helped as a distraction from Suleiman's absence.

Though, only slightly. I never realised just how much his mere presence brightened up my day, and now with him gone, everything felt so dull and meaningless.

In an attempt to try and distract myself from the saddening thoughts, I immediately put my head back into my books again and ignored the empty feeling Suleiman's absence had left in my life.

Crying and missing him won't bring him back any sooner Hooriya! What you should be doing right now is supporting him!

I internally chided myself for being so childish and realised just how hard being in love can be at times, especially when that someone is your husband, who has unknowingly become such a huge part of your life. I again groaned as the word ¨husband¨ brought back all the thoughts I was trying to momentarily put aside. His charismatic smile, his melodious laugh, his deep voice, his musky scent, his hard and warm chest, his scorching touch...I blushed crimson as I realised just how shameless my thoughts were getting. I plopped back down on the bed and sunk my face into the pillow.

Ughh! Why must you make me so desperate for you, Mr Suleiman Shah!? So much for studying, I can't even think straight with your thoughts clouding my brain all the time!

While I was in the middle of somehow trying to tone down the bright red hue on my face, my phone started ringing. As soon as my eyes saw the name of the caller, my heartbeat immediately became erratic and a huge smile broke out on my face.

Suleiman calling...

¨Assalam alaikum, (Hello)¨Suleiman's deep, manly voice reached my ears as soon as I accepted the call.

¨W-walaikum assalam, (Hello)¨ I internally groaned in annoyance at my stuttering voice. Why do you have to be so nervous everytime you talk to him, Hooriya!?

¨Kya kar rahi thein, meri jaan? (What were you doing, my love?)¨ My heart leaped out of my throat at his use of the endearment. Even after hearing him calling me that numerous times, I still react to it as though it's the first time.

¨K-kuch nahi, bus wese hi parhai kar rahi thi, (Nothing much, just studying)¨ I somewhat calmed my heartbeats down after giving myself a mental pep talk and tried to give him a more composed, stutterless response.

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