Chapter 7: Weekend at the Manor

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So I cant really mention the girls in this since, I don't know them well enough yet. Working on it though.

. . . Marinette POV . . .

     We landed in Gotham on Friday at about two in the afternoon. We used Jagged's private jet to get there, and Alfred Pennyworth the Wayne's butler/grandfather figure picked us up. The city is so different than Paris, I just didn't know where to look. Inspiration was just flowing through my veins. Damian, Jagged, and Penny found my awe awe-struck amusing.
. . .

     Alfred pulled into a long driveway, and upon seeing the Manor. I gasped. It was huge. "How the Hell am I supposed to find my way around this place?" I asked my Demon. He looked at me trying to hide his smirk, and said "Practice." I was ready to punch him. When the vehicle stopped and we all clambered out.

       I opened the trunk but was stopped from grabbing my bags by Alfred "I have got them Miss Marinette. Why don't you go inside? To greet the rest of the family." I was about to protest when Damian grabbed my hand and started pulling me towards the Manor "It is impossible to win an argument against Alfred. Trust me on this one, Jamila." Damian whispered in my ear. Penny and Jagged followed us inside. Inside, the Wayne's stood in a line ready to greet us.

       It didn't last long. Jason acted first he screamed "PIXIE POP!" I was crushed in a hug. Tim started whining "But I want to hug the Blueberry too." At least Dick wasn't in this fight. He returned with us but went home first. After I gave Tim his hug. I ran to hug Bruce, he was shocked, and it took him a minute to hug me back, but when he did I said "Don't worry Bruce, you get a hug too." He chuckled and said only loud enough for me to hear "Thanks, for not making me ask."

          "Quit stealing my Angel, I have to go introduce her to my animals." My Demon said while grabbing my hand. To lead me, Kwamii knows where. Jason argued "But you had her for like, forever. We want a turn." Tim added "Yeah! She can't be that good at UMS 3." Woah, wrong thing to say to my face. They watched as I turned red and snarled "Say that to my face, Punk! Bring it. I'll beat you into next week!" Jason was laughing "Haha! She is so cute! Just a little ball of fury!" He said through a laughing fit.

      "Keep laughing. Soon it won't just be tears of joy." I said. "Oh my god, Demon Spawn! What did you teach her, she acts like she is intimidating!" Jason chuckled. Damian through me over his shoulder, and started running. I squeaked at his actions. While Tim and Jason yelled, "Hey, what about us?" But it was too late. Damian had us in the outdoor garden. He set me down, and almost immediately I was already toppled over and being . . . Licked?

        I looked up to see a black Great Dane. He is so cute I started cooing at him and petting his soft fur. "His name is Titus, my dog." My Demon said from somewhere above me. All I could see was Titus's large head. "Titus, heel." I heard Damian's voice from somewhere behind me. Then he came and helped me to my feet. I continued to shower attention down upon Titus. Damian cleared his throat, I looked up at him and smiled "Is someone jealous." I cooed.

       He pouted and said "No!" I giggled. "Come on Angel. I have more animals." He stated. Grabbing my hand. It must have been tortuous, he didn't have my attention for the few minutes, I was cooing at Titus. I rose my eyebrows "How many more animals?" I asked curiosity getting the better of me. He smirked "You'll see." the smugness in his tone had me a bit worried. He covered my eyes and after a bit of walking uncovered them to reveal . . . A cow?

        I was so confused "One of your pets is a cow?" I just had to ask. "Yes, it is Jamila, meet Bat-cow. I was 10 when I named her, okay." I laughed and said "Okay." After greeting the cow he introduced me to Jerry the turkey. Then he led me back inside. Through the maze-like halls. Where we are going? I haven't a clue. Till he opened a door and said proudly "This is my room." I looked around his room, he didn't decorate it. Except for one wall, that had a bulletin board full of pictures. On the top left-hand corner, it said, from Jon, and was covered in pictures. Damian pointed to it and said "That would be Jon's doing. Don't tell anyone that I left it up." I chuckled before spotting the cat napping on the bed and gasped.

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