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He picked the T-shirt from the floor as he walked outside closing the door behind him. His eyes are furious as he looked at me.

But my assumption was right. What I was here to make her see was clear.

"Do you see your Sahil?" I said to Heer who was looking at the floor.

"Just stop it Vivaan," she said her tone was angry as she was furious too.

"Why? Feeling hurt-? "

"What the hell Vivaan?? " Sahil cut me in between as I looked at him.

"You upset bro? Because I revealed you?" I was busy bursting Sahil when Heer went into the elevator I looked at her and got down.

"I'm not even coming in the middle anymore. Why the hell are you behind me now? " he said frustrated while my eyes were still on the elevator. But then I too pressed for the elevator as Waited outside the elevator. But it will take way too much time for me to reach down so I just started to run at the stairs but before I could run.

"I heard she is back," Sahil spoke. As my steps halted and I looked at him.

"What do you mean?" I asked him as things ran in my head but my body was numb along my brain.

"Kiya she came back."

Vivaan. Don't let him trample on you.

Hold yourself.

"So?" I asked him trying to hide all the emotions in me right now as he smirked.

"We are going to meet Daadi tomorrow," he said as my hand turned into a fist as I looked at him. While the elevator was now already here.

Heer. She left alone. This is late at night.

"Congratulations then," I said to him as I walked towards the elevator and pressed the button to go down. While his smirking face made my blood boil.

I got off the elevator and ran all the way to find Heer but she was nowhere in sight. I need her tomorrow.

I then gave up running and sat in my car as I started to find her on the road. I kept driving on the silent road as I looked around to see her. But she was nowhere. I took all the turns and twists but nowhere to be found.

If he is going to bring her to Daadi. I need to take Heer there too.

And then I finally spotted her at a bus stop. I drove in front of her as I looked at her rolling my window down. She saw me but acted as if I and the car were invisible.

I came out of the car as I walked towards her and grabbed her arms to make her sit. But she shooked my hands off as I looked at her. And ended up removing all my anger from her again.

"Just stop and sit in the car. What are you so down? Because you saw-"

"JUST SHUT UP OKAY JUST SHUT UP!" She yelled cutting me as I looked at her.

"What the hell you think you do?? you just humiliated me and I can't even be upset?" I looked at her her reason was different from what I was thinking. "I have no interest in him. I don't like rich bastards. Not just you. I don't like any. I hate them. Truly with me all heart. Even the sight of them makes me go crazy. Because all they care about is their money. They don't give a damn about the other person. The only thing that exists for them is themselves!" she yelled at me as I looked at her.

"That's untrue, " I said to her as I looked at her while she scoffed and laughed like crazy.

"Untrue?? Just look at yourself. Asshole" She said as I snapped too.

"Yeah. We have money. Yeah, we are rich. And yes money is the only thing that matters in the world. So no wonder that people with money in their world." I said to her as she looked as if she wanted to hit me right now.

"Just get lost," she said as I grabbed her and made her sit in the car. While she revolted. And kept trying to come out.

"Don't make me go crazy Heer. You won't be able to handle me!" I said to her as she stopped.

And I started to drive.


I stopped out of her complex building And she kept being silent in the whole round. As soon as the car stopped she walked out and I too walked out as I ran behind her and grabbed her wrist and made her face me. She was still filled with rage.

"We have to go tomorrow to my house for lunch," I said to her and waited for her response.

"Did they invite me?" she asked me as I remember what happened last time.

Yeah, it will be wrong for her to go without an invitation.

"Yeah, they did" I lied to her as she looked at me.

"Fine then. Prove me," she asked me to prove her as I laughed.

"What? "

"Prove me that they did invite me. And assure me that they are not going to disrespect my family again," she asked me to promise her such a reckless thing.

"You talking about disrespect what the fuck are doing then at Vansham's company?"

"I didn't go there myself. " she instantly revolted.

"So how did you end up there??" I yelled at her as she looked at me.

"He threatened me," she said as I laughed.

"Someone can threaten you too? " I asked her about her lie.

But she laughed.

"Forget it. It's not like I can explain you. You want to believe I went there myself. Fine I did. And what did you say at the club that I'm trying to trap both of you? Fine, I'm. Anything more?"

She said as I went crazy right now.

I grabbed her as I looked at her.

"Do n'" I yelled at her as she first flinched at my sudden grab but then.

"DiDi" We heard a voice as she immediately looked back. As we saw her brother. With his stick.


DESIGNATED BRIDE. (Darkened Brides Book Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now