Part 8: Ranboo Finds Out

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I spend the rest of the night just watching television with the gang. Eventually, a delicious smell blesses my nose. I know its Phil's lasagna. It smells so good, but... can I eat it? Should I?

"Dinner's ready!" Phil yells to the house.  Everyone immediately books it to the kitchen to get their serving. Oh, it must be nice to want food.

I make my way into the kitchen a bit slower than everyone else. I sit at the table as Phil serves everyone. He gives me a slightly smaller serving than everyone since he knows I don't eat much.

I tentatively take a bite and it tastes amazing. I shovel some more into my mouth. I make a mental note not to eat a lot, but I deserve more than usual. At least, I think I do.

My eyes meet Niki's, and she looks so proud of me. Internally, I smile.

"Eating a bit much, are we Y/N?" Quackity says with a little laugh.

My fork clatters loudly as it makes contact with the table. I look down at the fork that dropped out of my hand.

I know he doesn't mean it. I know that he's joking, but I can't comprehend it. My eyes travel to the food that is still on my plate. Instead of looking amazing like it did just a minute ago, it looks disgusting. My appetite is completely gone.

"I'm done. Exuse me." I mumble as I leave the table. I know everyone is staring at me as I leave. I know that Quackity will get it from Niki and Wilbur. But it's not his fault. He just doesn't know about my... problems.

I go to the bathroom and stick two fingers down my throat. Tears sting my eyes as I eject the food I just ate. My stomach convulses unhappily many times. When I'm done, my stomach hurts like hell, and my legs are shaking.

I make my way to my room and start hitting my one leg. I hit it hard multiple times to the point where my fist and leg both hurt quite a lot. I feel my eyes grow tired. I lay down in bed and close them. The last thing I hear before drifting off is the door opening.

Quackity's POV

After I said that to Y/N, she dropped her fork and looked stunned. All color drained from her face. She mumbled a few words and left. Niki and Wilbur looked at me with such disbelief that I wondered if what was happening was real.

I looked around the table and met eyes with Tommy. He shook his head and looked down as if to say, 'I can't help you with this one.'

Everyone was silent until Dream spoke up, "Uh, what just happened?"

"You shouldn't have said that." Niki said with tears threatening to fall. She got up and left, I'm assuming to check on Y/N.

Wilbur looks at Niki. "Make sure she's okay." He says to her as she leaves.

Sapnanp looks around. "Can someone please explain what the fuck is happening?"

Wilbur sighed, debating whether or not to say something. "Y/N is fighting an eating disorder."

My eyes practically bulge out of my head. "No.." I feel so bad for saying that now. It was just meant to be a harmless joke. I could have just halted her progress.

"That was the first time she ate more than just a couple bites without Niki or I coaxing her to." Wilbur looked so sad.

Now, I feel like a dick. "I'm so sorry. I didn't know.." I trail off.

Ranboo shifts uncomfortably in his seat. He knew something was wrong with Y/N. He explained his concern to Phil and I, but we didn't know what it was. We just brushed it off. I know he likes her, but this is a lot to take in.

Tubbo pulls on Ranboo's sleeve and leads him away to the room they and Tommy share, I suppose. Tubbo looks back at Tommy and slightly nods his head, indicating for him to follow.

By now, everyone had basically finished eating and wore somber expressions.

"But please, don't treat her differently because of it. She'll hate us even more if we do." Wilbur adds.

"I can't believe I didn't notice. Is that all? Because she seems to have more going on?" Karl asks quietly.

I know that he suffers from an eating disorder himself, but lately he's been a lot better. He's on medication and hasn't relapsed, if that's what you call it, in awhile.

Wilbur sighs. "There is more, but I'm not at liberty to say. I've already shared enough of her information today."

Karl just nods and sighs. I bury my face in my hands. Why did I have to say that to Y/N?

Ranboo's POV

I just sat there, shocked by what Wilbur was saying. Y/N has an ED. Why the hell didn't I notice? I could have helped her. I could have..  I don't know. Thinking back on it, she is skinny. Probably skinnier than most people should be.

Something pulled on my sleeve and I snapped out of my thoughts to see Tubbo looking at me with a worried look in his eyes.

"Let's go to our room." He whispers to me while everyone else is talking.

While Tubbo and Tommy are taking me to the room, I faintly hear Wilbur say, "There is more.."

God, what is she going through? Please let her be okay.

We get in the room, and Tommy closes the door behind him. I feel myself start to breathe heavier than normal. I don't know what's happening to me.

"Big T, could you go get Ranboo some cold water?" Tommy asks Tubbo.

I can't see either of them as my vision is blurred, but I do hear our door open and close.

"Ranboo, it's okay. Take some deep breaths, big man."

I try to listen to Tommy. I try to breathe in slowly. It's hard, but I manage to do it. I start to calm down as Tubbo hands me a cold water bottle.

"Th..ank you." I speak slowly so that my voice doesn't sound like it's breaking so much.

"You doing okay?" Tubbo asks me.

I ckear my throat. "Yeah, I'm just worried about her. Why wouldn't she tell me? And did you hear Wilbur?! He said there is more!" God, my chest hurts. Actually, it's more like my heart hurts for her.

Tommy looks away when I say that there is more. He looks uncomfortable, but why? Tubbo notices it too because he gives him a questioning look.

"Tommy, are you okay? You look like you've seen a ghost." Tubbo says with a little laugh, trying desperately to lighten the mood.

"I.. I know something about her that I'm not supposed to. I overheard her conversation with Wilbur one night."

Tubbo and I both look up at him in shock.

"She. God... Her father is.." Tommy trails off, not knowing how to say whatever it is that he's trying to.

"Use your words." I try to coax him.

He takes a shaky breath. "Her father is abusing her."

"...what?" I feel myself breaking all over again. This can't be happening. All of those times I was on call with her.. when she went on mute, was she being...? I can't think about this right now.

I have to be there for her in any way I can. I can't wallow over what happened in the past. I have to be here for her now, in the present.


A/N: Does anyone have any ideas for what you would like to see in the story?

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