Part 14: D-Dead?

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Dream's POV

Y/N falls asleep during our hug. I gently move out of her grip and lay her down in a comfortable position.

I text the group chat.

She just fell asleep

That's good. She needs it

Do you mind if I come sit with her?

I don't mind at all

I waited as Ranboo poked his head into the room, along with Tommy and Tubbo.

"Wilbur told us we should all come. He didn't want us to hear what happened." Tubbo sounded sad.

"Yeah, she went through quite a bit. And I don't think that you guys should hear it just yet." I looked at them.

They nodded their heads. Ranboo took a seat next to Y/N. I hadn't noticed before, but she was shaking slightly in her sleep. Its like her body was trained to always be scared that something was going to happen.

Ranboo held her hand causing her shaking to settle down. He smiled even though his eyes were filled with tears.

Tommy hugged Tubbo. I looked away. I was happy we got Y/N back, we all are. But I'm not sure if she's going to be the same.


His hands traveled over my body as I tried desperately to get out of his grasp. I have never been touched like this before, and I never wanted to be. It made me feel disgusted. It made me want to crawl out of my skin. I just wanted to get out- get out of this body, out of this situation, out of this life.

I couldn't hold in my screams of pain as he tore me from my innocence. My mind was numb from pain and sadness. I couldn't think. I just wanted to pass out. I never want to wake up again. Tears still fell out of my eyes, but I was silent.

"Y/N! Wake up. You're okay." Dream's voice brought me back to the present.

I sat straight up. My cheeks were wet, and I was sweating. I looked around the room to see Tubbo, Tommy, and... Ranboo. I started crying again.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Dream's soft voice asked me.

"I relived it. It hurt s-so much, Dream."

Dream was the only one who understood what I was talking about, so I assumed they didn't tell Tommy, Tubbo, or Ranboo. That's good. They don't need to know about... I don't even want to think about it.

I try to calm myself down. I feel someone rubbing their thumb on my hand. It's calming, and it helps to ground me. I look down to see Ranboo holding my hand and doing it.

I try to smile at the gesture. But honestly, it feels like I forgot how to. I can't make my lips curl upwards. As much as I try, all that lingers on my face is sadness and pain.

I guess there's just a point in someone's life where they physically can't anymore. I didn't think I would ever get to that point, but here I am. It feels like the world is crashing down on me.

I feel dead inside. I'm so cold. I feel like I'm stuck in ice. I curl up to try to warm myself, and my eyes end up closing, bringing me to the nothingness of sleep.

I open my eyes slowly to find myself alone. Another blanket was placed on top of me at some point in my sleep.

As much as I love being alone, it was kind of scary now. I keep jumping at even the smallest noises. I feel like someone is going to come in here any moment and just... ugh.

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