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"i still don't understand why I'm here." you whispered to atsumu.

"i told you my mom wanted to meet you." atsumu whispered back.

"and she met me, can I go now?"

"no. stay." he said and tugged on your hand, pulling you a bit closer to him.

"but you have your jacket back."

"but i want you to stay."

"but i don't want to stay."

"but i won't let you out of this house."

"but i can walk right out the door."

"but i can hug you and keep you here because my mom actually thinks i like you."

"you two act like an actually couple." osamu said from his spot next to you.

"ew, don't be gross." you both said simultaneously. osamu just gave you both weird look and sat down on the couch.

"that just proved my point." he said and you leaned against the couch next to atsumu.

"i don't wanna walk home alone at night." you said and looked up at him.

"i'll walk you." he said and kept an eye on the container of cookies on the counter.

"fine." you weren't completely upset with that idea. a few weeks ago you would rather walk ten miles alone than walk with him.

now it was okay

"atsumu i don't understand why you used to come home saying how annoying she was." his mom said when she returned from the kitchen.

"she was annoying, still is."

"but according to him, i'm annoying in a tolerable way." you remembered his words from the other day.

"how cute. oh! you can call me mieko." she smiled. "i invited you and your grandmother over to dinner tomorrow night, i don't know if she told you that yet."

"no, she didn't." you said, glancing back at atsumu who was already looking over at you. "do you want me to bring anything?"

"i think you're grandma was talking about bringing dessert over." mieko answered. "so don't worry about it."

you nodded and returned to atsumu. he raised his arm and you narrowed your eyes at him.

"we're not at school."

"and? my parents still think we're dating or talking or like each other." you took one huge step and leaned against his side while his arm was around you once again.

"naoko, look at them." you could hear mieko whisper to her husband.

"i'm going to my room!" osamu announced after realizing he was the only lonely one in the room.

"come on." atsumu followed after him with you under his arm.

osamu was setting up video games when you two entered and you slipped out from under his arm to sit on their bunk bed.

there was a blanket tied to the poles so there was a curtain hanging off the top bunk, covering the bottom bunk.

"if you need me i'll be in here." you said and hugged a teddy bear that was sitting on atsumu's pillow to your chest.

atsumu watched as you entered his little bunk bed and disappeared behind the blanket. osamu was struggling to set up the game, so atsumu went over and lifted the blanket up.

you were cuddled up in the middle of his bed with his teddy bear in your arms. "hi."


kill my mind - m. atsumuWhere stories live. Discover now