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"i'm done." you crawled into atsumu's bed with his blanket still around you. atsumu watched you while leaning against the wall with a small smile.

you fall down onto the bed, face first and hugged the teddy bear to your chest. atsumu held your wrist and unbuckled the controller for you.

after dancing a tango for free food the three of you had at least eight other dance battles before the parents complained about the noise and the time.

and then atsumu started whining about getting hit by you and osamu. it was just an accident that happened many times. many many times.

"movie?" atsumu asked.

"get food."

"yeah pretty boy, go get food." you agreed with osamu.

"you're coming with me." atsumu said and opened the door.

"i don't think so."

"come on." atsumu grabbed your hand and pulled you up. he just wanted to spend more alone time with you and away from osamu.

"carry me, peasant." you said and spread your arms around. atsumu crouched down in front of you and you wrapped your arms around his neck. "didn't think you'd actually listen, but okay."

his hands went to your legs and wrapped them around his waist. "don't blame me if i drop you." he warned.

"drop me and i'll leave." you said. "and break up with you. and i'll actually never give you your jacket back. i'm still never giving it back either way."

"how threatening. we can't have you leaving and keeping my jacket forever now can we?" atsumu walked down to the kitchen and let you sit on the counter. he grabbed a bag of popcorn and put it in the microwave.

"im too tired to leave anyway." you said and pulled him back to you. your arms and legs went back around him and rested your head on his shoulder. "and the jacket is now my property."

"you're quite cuddly today." he said and placed his hands on your waist, pulling you closer to him.

"tired." you mumbled and closed your eyes.

"from dancing?"

"from a lot of things." atsumu glanced to the side and lifted your face up. you leaned your face against his hand and relaxed your whole body. his thumb moved back and forth against your jaw and he looked over your face while you had your eyes closed.

"wanna go to sleep?" he asked and you shook your head.

"well you're laying in bed because im not moving you if you do fall asleep during the movie." he said.


"okay. um, can you let go? i have to get the popcorn." he didn't exactly want you to let go, but the popcorn was done.

"can't hear you." atsumu felt his face heating up when you tightened your hold on him. he simply turned around and carried you with him. "this is fun."

"just don't let go or you'll fall and blame me." he mentally slapped himself for blushing at a simple movement and opened the microwave.

"i won't."

"oh really."

"no, you're right. i'll go straight to your mom and snitch on you." you smiled and looked at him. he looked at you out of the corner of his eye and ducked his head, using his nose to turn your head away.

"that's mean." he said and poured the popcorn into the bowl. "here." he handed it you and you held it. you leaned back and placed the bowl in front of your chest and started eating.

atsumu placed a hand on your back and walked back up the stairs. "want some?" you asked and held a piece up. he nodded and you bought it up to his mouth. "well too bad." you threw it into your mouth.

"dropping you in three, two, one." he let you drop two inches before picking you back up. you grabbed onto his arms and glared at him.

"that's breakup worthy." you said and slapped his chest.

"how sad."

"open your mouth." you said and he did. you picked up a piece of popcorn and aimed it into his mouth.

you missed. it hit the side of his mouth instead.

"sunshine, that was less than a foot away and you missed." atsumu teased.

"whoops." you threw another piece and that one went into his mouth.

"you made it this time." he cheered.

"go me." he kicked the door open and was met with a confused osamu.

"you two look like those couples that go into the bedroom kissing right before the girl gets thrown onto the bed. minus the popcorn." he commented. "and after he throws you onto the bed he'll take off his shirt and then climb on top of you."

"what movies are you watching?" you asked while atsumu let you down on his bed.

"nothing you need to know." he answered and climbed onto his bed.

atsumu bumped his shoulder against yours for you to move over. you let out a dramatic sigh and moved over an inch.

"more than that." he said.


"fine. ill just sit on your lap."

"go ahead." you said and patted your thighs.

he grabbed the bowl of popcorn and sat down on your lap. "good?"

"all good." you said and leaned over his shoulder to get popcorn.

"not being squished?"

"ill manage."

"great." you just hoped he didn't lean back too far and feel the pounding of your heart. but that would require him to lean against your breasts and the second he was near that you were pushing him off you.

"i think im gonna fall asleep here." he said and laid down on the bed while still sitting on you. he grabbed a blanket and pulled it over both your bodies.

"yeah, then carry me around all day tomorrow due to the numbness of my legs." you said and placed the bowl of popcorn on top of atsumu's body.

"movie's starting!" osamu announced.

"oh you're still here?" atsumu asked and earned a pillow to his face.

"shhh." you covered atsumu's mouth and pointed at the tv. "movie."

atsumu sat up and got off your lap. he settled with sitting next to you instead. you leaned your head on his shoulder without thinking about it and offered him some popcorn.

he wrapped an arm around you and took a handful of popcorn out of the bowl. you leaned against his side and pulled the blanket closer against you.

"should we share with osamu?" you asked when the popcorn was almost gone.


"'tsumu the popcorn's almost gone and the movie just started." you said and took the last couple pieces. "okay now it's gone." atsumu shook his head and took the popcorn out of your hands and threw them into his mouth.

you turned around to protest, but atsumu already had some held out in his hand for you.

"hey! want the bowl of popcorn?" atsumu asked and tapped his fist against the top bunk.

"sure." atsumu took the bowl out of your hands and reached out to give the bowl to osamu. "it's empty."

"i never said that there was popcorn left."

kill my mind - m. atsumuWhere stories live. Discover now