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          the weekend was a handful. your mom was the heasleep-deprivedr a huge fundraiser at her job, meaning you were her number one assistant. not only was it physically draining, but it was the most boring thing ever. you were already sleep deprived, this was no help.

          today was another normal day. school, library, homework, homework, and more homework. it was absolutely exhausting. writing equation after equation just numbed your mind. bokuto was rather quiet today too, so you didn't have much to listen to. your head pounded one painful pulse after another. your eyes burned reading the numbers printed on the worksheet in front of you. though he rarely spoke, bokuto's words melted together the moment they slipped from his mouth. there were only a couple of problems left and you really wanted to finish them, but you could feel your body yearning for just a minute of sleep.

you wrote out your problem until you pencil veered to the side and your eyes tried to closed. you jerked awake before you could collapse onto the table. quickly, you erased the scribbled you'd made.

          "are you okay?" bokuto asked. his voice swam into your ears. it made your head pound even more. you gave a thumbs up after a painful sigh. after a long pause, he stood up, plucking the pencil from your hand.

          "i'm almost done," you whined. really, how much damage would five more minutes do? he frowned at your tired figure, before taking your paper away too. you buried your face in your hands. as much as you admired his caring manner, you had work to do. this was your job. if staving off sleep would earn you some extra money, who cared?

          "let's go." bokuto said, holding a hand out to you. you stared at his open palm, unmoving. he doubled over and grabbed your bookbag before he spoke again. his voice became soft and low. "c'mon."

          hesitantly, you took his hand and he led you out of the library. you walked in silence, arms swinging in tune with each other. between you, your hands were still clasped together. you pulled away, stuffing your hand in your pocket. bokuto looked back for a moment, but didn't comment. you kept your pace until the trees lining the other side of the street thinned out. a snow-covered field replaced it, the white ground turning pink and orange from the setting sun. you slowed down until he noticed.

          "can we, uh," you muttered, gesturing to a bench that looked at the field. he looked over at you before nodding. you trudged through the snow and took a seat. the two of you sat shoulder to shoulder, just looking off at the vast landscape ahead of you. the rippling sun shrank down under the horizon, warm colors fleeting after it.

          your head nodded off to the side, ending up on bokuto's shoulder. you looked up at him and took a good look at his face for once. honestly, he was mesmerizing. you'd never you'd openly admit something like that, but you couldn't deny it. praying he wouldn't mention it, you curled closer to him. your eyes fluttered shut for a minute, tempted to fall asleep right there. he put a hand on your shoulder, still staying quiet. you were no less tired, but to just sit there unbothered by anything; that was the kind of freedom you wished you had more often.

          as the sun began to disappear, you sat up, rubbing your heavy eyelids. you stood up, bokuto's hand falling off of you. he followed you through the snow and back onto the sidewalk. you lagged behind a bit, but you managed to make it home without passing out. you kicked the snow off of your shoes before going in. your mom greeted the two of you as you passed through the living room. the minute you entered your bedroom, you collapsed onto your bed.

          "have you been sleeping?" bokuto's voice was shy, concern in every word. you looked over before turning back to the wall.

          "it's been a long weekend," you mumbled, clinging to your pillow.

          "are you going to sleep in that?" you were still wearing gloves, a winter coat, blue jeans, and bokuto's hat. you shivered at the thought of getting up again. you slipped off the gloves, hat, and jacket, throwing them onto the floor. it'd have to do. the lights flicked off and you shrunk beneath your sheets. "get some sleep, okay?"

          the door slid shut and the room went quiet. for a while, you only stared at the wall, wallowing in your exhaustion. the assignments you'd be up to finish at midnight crossed your mind and you sighed. already, you wanted to go back. you wished to sit there again with nothing on your mind. to forget everything else for a moment. if only you could feel that again. that freedom.

something you only felt with him.

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