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thursday 17:43

how do you tell someone you love them? you most definitely didn't know the answer to that question. you'd been searching for one ever since monday. the question has been ripping you apart recently. you can't come off too strong, but you can't make it sound like you don't mean it. it was all so confusing.

"you okay?"

you looked up from the completed worksheet you had in front of you.

"you finished like five minutes ago," bokuto told you. yeah, you did finish five minutes ago. which means you spent five minutes staring into nothing while he just sat there and watched. you quickly apologized before boxing in your answer and sliding the paper to him.

"are you okay?" he asked again.

no. you drive me absolutely insane and i'm dying to tell you how much you mean to me but i can't find the words and if i mess this up i'll hate myself forever.

"fine. just thinking about something," you mumbled. bokuto stood with the paper, looking over the equations that made zero sense to him. he leaned over the table, shortening the gap between the two of you.

"well, if you need to talk, i'm here," he said. he quickly pressed his lips into yours. before you could fully appreciate the kiss, he pulled away, giving you a content smile and leaving for the copy machine.

you sighed, rubbing your temples. your heart was already bursting. earlier, you wouldn't have been able to define this awfully heartwarming feeling, but it was most definitely love. slowly, the words would eat at you. how do you even begin to explain your feelings for someone? especially love. it may only take three words, but they mean so much more than they say. you knew you had to say something because you didn't want to go back into an awkward phase after all the progress you'd made. all you wanted was to keep moving forward.

"are you done? you looked stressed."

bokuto slid the papers back to you. he ruffled your hair, giving you a concerned smile as he sat back down.

"i'm feeling fine, but yes, i'm done," you said, putting the papers into a binder and returning them to your bag.

the two of you left for your house as you always did. bokuto had an arm wrapped around your waist as you walked. he did most of the talking, but occasionally he'd try to get you to talk about what's going on with you. of course, you dismissed him, assuring him that you were doing just fine.

"we should watch a movie!" bokuto suggested as he followed you into the house.

"you can pick," you said as you took off your shoes and dragged the boy by his hand to your room.

he chose a movie you'd seen both seen before. you hadn't seen it in a while, so the details were a bit fuzzy in your head. you were curled into a ball between bokuto's legs, your head resting on his chest and his arms around you. as the scenes played on the screen, you looked up at the boy. he was paying most of his attention to the movie, but when he noticed you looking up at him, he gave you a quick kiss on the nose and ran his fingers through your hair.

these were the things that made it hard to keep your feelings in. this was a great time for something like that. to spew out everything you were feeling when you were alone. it was perfect. you could take this chance and get everything off of your chest. right now, all of the stress from those words could be gone.

"bo?" you mumbled. his eyes met yours again. he hummed, brushing hair away from your face.

"i..." you started. your voice trailed off after the first word. there were just two more. only two more and you're done.

"i..." your voice cut out again. it was like you were censoring yourself. you knew how badly you wanted to say it, so why couldn't you? you couldn't because you were terrified. committing to something so big terrified you, and as much as you wanted to commit, you were scared.

"you...?" bokuto asked expectantly. you furrowed your brows. you couldn't do this.

"i forget," you said, turning your head back to the movie. bokuto said a quiet, "alright" before giving the movie his attention again.

how hard was this going to be?

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