Chapter Seven: Imprisonment

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TRIGGER WARNINGS: Blood! Stay safe loves!

-Tubbo's Point of View-

I had been put in a dark cell under the castle. I could hear the dripping of water echoing through the halls. The metal bars looked dingy and rusted. The whole place looked dirty. The brick had moss and dirt all over it and in some of the cells were spots of what appeared to be... dried up blood. It also smelled terrible in here. I tried not to think about what they were going to do with me. How was I supposed to know that Leo was actually Prince Thomas?! I buried my hands in my face. Was he even my friend? I looked up with a deep breath. "Hello?" I heard a voice call from down a hallway. I immediately backed up into the furthest corner, trying to escape whatever punishment they had created for me. I ducked my head down as footsteps approached my cell.

"Hello?" I heard the voice repeat. I looked up. It was a man with bright white eyes and all sorts of jewels.

"P-please don't hurt me." I begged, feeling tears run down my face. He crouched down, his expression softening.

"I'm not going to." He said soothingly. His voice was actually really soothing on its own. I sighed as I still felt my body shaking. "What's your name?" He asked softly.

"Toby..." I mumbled, "but everyone calls me Tubbo." I said with a sniffle. He nodded.

"Ok Tubbo, I need you to listen," he whispered, I looked up at him in confusion, "I'm gonna get you out of here. But you can't tell anyone I've been down here."

"Why are you helping me?" I whispered. He looked away from me for a moment.

"Because I have to." He said, quickly walking away before I could say anything else. Mysterious man. Almost like Leo- No. Almost like Prince Thomas.

-Eret's Point of View-

I quickly and quietly left the castle prison. I do have an obligation to help him. I'm working with some others. I'm a traitor, I know. But it's for a good reason. I walked down the halls swiftly, my platform boots clicking against the stone floors. I've been looking for him for years. And I've finally found him. But I have little time to rescue him. I need to do something before it's too late.

I went out the back of the castle and into the forest. I kept walking until I came to a large mountain. I looked around before pressing up against a portion of the stone side. It opened and I entered the large, hidden cave. "Hello?" I heard some say.

"Hello," I said, walking up to a table in the center of the cave that was illuminated with a lantern, "Dream." The man turned to look at me. He wore his trademark smiley mask and a nice forest green outfit. A few pieces of iron armor also littered his outfit.

"Any news?" He asked, sharpening a small knife.

"Yes actually." He instantly perked up, turning to face me all the way.

"Do tell." He said slyly. I frowned a bit.

"You're not gonna like where he is..." I started.

-Techno's Point of View-

I slammed my hands down on the table. "WE HAVE TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT HIM!" I yelled, making my father flinch. He glared at me.

"Techno, he's a child." He told me calmly, his facial expression not changing. I was absolutely fuming.

"He's a child who put Tommy in danger!" I yelled back, very upset that he wasn't understanding the gravity of the situation.

"Techno, you're being irrational, we cannot execute him." I shook my head quickly.

"I am not being irrational," I told him steadily, "that boy was putting Tommy in danger by convincing him it was ok to go out every night." Dad was about to speak when a guard entered the room.

"Your majesty," he said quickly, "you're going to want to see these." He handed my father some old papers. He started shuffling through them, his expression never changing.

"Thank you," he told the guard, "you can go back to your post now." He told the other man. The guard saluted before walking out, closing the door behind him. He sighed, looking at me.

"The boy had these in his possession." He told me, handing me the papers in his hands. I took them carefully. It was the Song of Freedom. My jaw dropped. He is a rebel. He must've been manipulating Tommy so he could eventually assassinate him!

"What now?" I asked my father, handing him the papers. He glared at the papers. He swifty tore them in half.

"We make an example of him," He said darkly, "GUARDS!" He shouted, "prepare the city place for a public execution. The boy will be executed tomorrow morning." He said as a pair of guards entered the room. They quickly nodded and left the room. He sighed again.

"I'll tell Tommy." I said quietly. My dad just nodded. I started to walk out. Once I got to the door, my father spoke up one last time.

"Tell him he's confined to his room for the next two days." He said, looking out the nearest window. I nodded. I made my way down the hall and finally to Tommy's room. I knocked on the door.

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