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"I guess what scares me the most now is the thought that I won't be able to protect you." Julia Hoban, Willow



"I think, I truly believe, that he meant to leave," relayed Grace softly as they sat together on the settee in Grace's bedroom. "He didn't want to shame you. He cared for you too much to do so. And if he cared for you enough to leave, then I know there must be more to the story, his story, than that of Mr Bishop and his ruse."

Grace had just finished telling Susanna of her conversation with Alex at the dinner table on his last night. Of course, Grace's thoughts were speculation, but Susanna could see the conviction in her sister-in-law's eyes. There was true belief there. Grace did not think Alex on the same level of guilt as his companion.

Had he meant to leave? Was that why Alex had asked her down to the pond that day? Had he meant to tell her the truth before leaving?

Alex had told Grace that he had not wanted to bring Susanna shame. That very thought alone was enough to pain Susanna deep within her soul. Shame. She did not care for it. For whom would she be shamed before? Did he mean the social climbing fortune hunters in London who she was forced to socialise with every season? She did not care a wit what they thought of her.

"My mind has been filled with similar thoughts of late," confessed Susanna quietly. "I can't help but think, but wonder ... hope that there is more to be said than what occurred. I don't want him to be a villain."

Grace put a comforting hand on Susanna's back. "You really loved him, didn't you?" she realised sadly.

Susanna felt her eyes fill with tears as she hurried to wipe them away with the back of her sleeve. "I did." I do. Oh, she still loved him. Love didn't vanish, even when one was in pain. It endured. And was that not a testament to the strength of the heart? "Grace, I need to talk to him. To write him at the very least." Susanna quickly remembered that Alex would not be able to read or return a letter. "I must go to him."

"Of course, you must," confirmed Grace with a supportive smile.

"You are really on my side, aren't you? You don't mind that Alex is –"

"No," interjected Grace firmly, shaking her head. Her hand dropped to secure Susanna's tightly. "I am on your side as you have always been on mine. Ever since I entered this house, you have been a friend, and now you are a sister. Whomever you choose to love is your own choice, and I have faith in your judgement. What he looks like is of no consequence, but his character? Every man deserves redemption, or the opportunity to grasp it."

Susanna pulled Grace into a tight hug and did not attempt to hide her tears as they began to fall freely, dampening the shoulder of Grace's gown. Grace merely chuckled quietly as she soothingly rubbed Susanna's back.

"Piccadilly Circus," Susanna repeated, remembering the conversation from down with her family. "That is where he is. How will I get there undetected?"

"You will not go undetected," replied Grace, "and you will not go alone," she added firmly. "Adam will escort you."

Susanna recoiled. "Adam? He certainly would never consent to this!" she exclaimed.

"You leave Adam to me."


As Susanna sat against the bedroom door of Adam and Grace, listening at the keyhole, she was reminded of another time when she had spent time eavesdropping on her brother and his wife. Only in that instance she had been in collusion with her brother to get Grace alone. This time Adam was not on Susanna's side.

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