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"When we love, we always strive to become better than we are. When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too." Paul Coelho, The Alchemist



Night fell before Alex and Susanna were able to make it back to the plantation, and the lack of light made the trek across the mountainous Haitian landscape dangerous.

Under the protection of the tree canopy, Alex created a fire and scavenged fruit for them to eat for their supper. He watched in gentle amusement as Susanna sampled papaya. It was such a simple act, and yet it sent a shiver of disbelief down his spin, yet again, that she was here with him, for him.

"I still can't believe that you are here," Alex murmured. "I cannot believe that you have travelled all this way to find me."

Once Susanna had finished her fruit, she brought her knees up under her chin and wrapped her arms around her legs. "I came to rescue you," she said softly.

"How did you find out about me?" he asked curiously.

Susanna audibly swallowed. "My brother ... Jack, he came to visit some weeks after you and Mr Bishop had left Ashwood, and he reported to us his whereabouts. I assumed you would be with him. Adam and I travelled to London and found out that Mr Bishop and his travelling companion, a black man, were at a horse auction."

Alex would have been surprised were it not completely predictable. Of course, Len had secured himself another savage for his act. He wondered what Len had promised this next poor soul. Would the man be as foolish as Alex had been?

"Why would Len need another horse? He already had two," Alex wondered, frowning. Argent was magnificent. She was enough of an attraction by herself. He felt a pang of longing for his beauty of a horse. Would he ever be able to get her back from Len?

"No, he didn't mean to buy a horse, he meant to sell one to the knacker's yard, he meant to sell Argent –"

"QUOI?" Alex exclaimed, interrupting Susanna mid-sentence. He had leapt to his feet in surprise and anguish as he slapped his hands to his temples. No, no, not Argent. How could Len sell her? What was a knacker's yard? It didn't sound good.

"Be calm!" cried Susanna, climbing to her feet also. She had darted over to him, reaching for his forearms and bringing them down from his face. "Argent is safe, she is alright," she promised, hushing. "I made Adam buy her. She is at Ashwood. She is waiting for you."

Alex took a moment to steady and calm himself. He blinked several times. "Argent is safe?" he repeated.

"Yes," confirmed Susanna. "I apologise, I should not have frightened you. I know how you love her, and I was not about to let anything happen to her."

Alex felt an overwhelming sensation of relief and warmth travel through him. Good God, what had he ever done to deserve her kindness, let alone her heart? Alex couldn't help himself as he cupped her face in his hands, the backs of his thumbs rubbing over the delicate skin of her cheekbones for a moment, waiting to see if she would pull away.

But she didn't.

And so, Alex leaned down, lowering his lips until he finally captured hers. He was surprised, but pleasantly pleased at the fervent nature in which she clung to him, and he responded immediately, wrapping his arms around her and holding her as though she was the only being keeping his feet on the ground.

When they separated, Alex stared down at her, and he looked into her wild, blue eyes. Her cheeks were flushed pink, and not from the heat of the flame. He felt it in his stomach, in his bones, in his soul. This woman was meant to be his. They would walk through fire for one another. Alex knew right then and there that he would devote his remaining days to being worthy of Susanna's loyalty.

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