Chapter 2: Triple Date

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I have dreamed this scenario over and over in my head for the past week. Ray regretting his decision of choosing Lily over me, begging me to take him back. Choosing me. Wanting me. 

So, I am a bit unsure if I hit my head too hard on the fall and if I am seeing things correctly right now. If I am actually seeing Ray running towards me.

—but he isn't running towards me, he is running towards us

Towards Lily.

His eyes are wild and frantic, chest rising and falling fast rapidly. His cheeks are slightly flushed from running. More students are flooding out the doors, class must have finished. 

Ray stops before us, looking at Lily then me—unsure of who to go to.

His eyes zone in on my shirt.

I look down to see the left side of my shirt is soaked in blood. The red contrasting against my grey shirt making it look worse than it truly is. 

Damn, that was my favourite shirt.

Ray is at my side in an instant and I near pinch myself to see if this is real. If I am not delusional. 

He crouches down next to me, his usually tan complexion a few shades paler then usual. "Holy shit. Are you okay, Tate?" His voice is raw, slightly unsteady.

"Yeah" I breath, very careful to not move a muscle. If I move a muscle it will trigger unwelcome pain that I am not prepared for yet. I just need a minute. I am minute to muster up the courage and pain Torrance to get up.

He eyes meet mine, he doesn't believe me. I can tell. 

"Where are you hurt?" He breaths, his voice gentle and his expression closed off, like he has got a handle on his emotions now. 

I open my mouth but nothing comes out. My brain stops functioning and every nerve in my body starts to overwork, painfully aware of him. Painfully aware his full attention is on me. Painfully aware how close he is to me and the finger he has at the edge of my shirt, his eyes asking for permission to take a look at the damage. 

I don't want him to see it. I refuse to. He will only see how broken I am, he will see the gruesome grazes and the many other old scars that accompany it. He will see how ugly and scarred my skin is. 

I close my mouth when I see Lily walk over, relieved she has captured his attention and envious too. 

She places a hand on his shoulder smiling warmly at me. 

"She saved me Ray." I eye her hand on his shoulder but don't say anything. "A truck nearly hit me but she saved me"

I sigh.

This is the part of the ability where most people would love, the glory. The awe struck faces and the endless praise. But I don't feel like the hero they make me out to be. I just feel traumatised. Obviously I'm relieved that they are safe and well, but I feel a little more damaged after every persons near death. I feel more scarred and more weighted down. 

Being a hero has its price. 

Ray's eyes don't leave me. "We need to get you to the hospital" He says, voice firm, no room for arguments.

But really that is not necessary, I have gotten pretty good at treating my injuries plus it looks worse then it is.

"It's fine." I force a smile. "It looks worse then it is"

He doesn't look convinced. I slowly and carefully make it to my feet. I wobbly a little and Ray grabs my arm, steading me. 

Lily throws her arms around me. Mostly hugging me on my good side but I grimace anyway. My whole body aches.

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