Chapter 4: Bowling

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Bad doesn't even begin to describe Ray's bowling ability.

Horrible is more accurate.

Majority of the time he doesn't even hit any of the bowling pins. I am starting to see why Lily said he hates bowling...

I can't help but find it a bit amusing though. To finally find a flaw in the man! Because up until now I was really struggling.

While he may be head Boy, one of the school's top academics, and on the football team- he can't bowl for shit. Ha, the one thing I have over him. Not that I am much better, he is coming last while I am coming second to last. Lily and my date are the ones winning.

My date is Matt Dun, one of Kyle's football friends. He is friendly enough. Though I am pretty sure he is more into Lily. I have been watching him eye her most of the night.

Ray either hasn't noticed or doesn't care because he does nothing about it. While Lily looks to be loving the attention though, taking full advantage of the spotlight.

She can't help but always and I mean always be touching Ray in some way or another! Even if it is just a hand on his arm or their legs touching. It is quite frankly driving me fucking insane. I don't like her touching him. But all I can do is bite my tongue and try to ignore it.

We are in the last bowling of the game now. Matt is sitting next to me while Lily takes her bowl.

"So what are your hobbies?" Matt asked leaning back on the couch, he puts his arm behind the back of my chair. Wow, he is actually trying to talk to me now instead of staring at Lily? I can't help but try to inch away from him, create a bit more distance between us. I plaster a fake smile on and try to be polite, he is Kyle's friend after all.

"Uh... I like art. Painting and drawing." I force a smile. Honestly, I don't do much except for art, try to save lives and then patch myself back up after. But there is no way I am talking about that. 

We continue some more painful small talk for a bit while Ray is in the corner chair diagonal to us with his eyes closed. His head is tilted up looking like he is praying for patience. A muscle in his jaw ticking.

It takes some serious self-restraint to not roll my eyes when I see Matt checking Lily out again. Thankfully it is his turn to bowl and he gets up. I let out a breath.

Thump, thump, thump.

My body stiffens.

My head snaps up and my back straightens. I frantically look around, my heart beating out of my chest. But there is no sound. Confused my eyes scan the place. I am on the edge of my seat, ready to jump up at any moment.

I see an older man picking up a bowling ball that he dropped on the ground.

I let out a shaky breath and my shoulders drop- It was just a bowling ball that had fallen to the ground. I rub my temple sighing, this is getting out of hand. I feel like I can't truly relax for one moment anymore.

I discretely look around to see if anyone noticed my reaction. Mal and Kyle are too immersed in other to notice, Lily is too busy on her phone and Matt is bowling.

My eyes connect with Ray.

He is watching me intently, his head is slightly tilted to the side, a confused expression on his face. I quickly turn my head away.

Just play it cool the rest of the night Tate.

The rest of the game goes pretty uneventful. Matt ends up winning and won't shut up about it. Ray loses and Kyle won't stop giving him shit for it.

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