Killing Game

210 6 1

Kaitos POV

"Mmmmgh.." My heads aching. What the hell? What was I doing in a locker? More importantly, why am I in a classroom? I groan, looking around. A bunch of windows with barbed wire, a camera, and some giant TV. Pretty suspicious if you ask me. A loud thud catches me off guard, swinging around. 

A purple haired boy in all white is on the ground, recovering from the fall. "Who the hell are you?!" My shouting startled the boy, but it doesn't take long for him to calm down. He stands up. "Hmm? You don't know? I assumed you were the person who captured me here. Pretty talented I must say, not many people can kidnap the Ultimate supreme leader." Ultimate? So this brat has an ultimate talent too? He sounds annoying just by his tone. "I'm not the person who captured you here. I woke up here too, so calm down." The boy grins, putting his hands behind his head. I can already tell, this boys going to be a pain in my ass. "Nishishi~ Okay! Then, I'm Kokichi Oma! Ultimate Supreme Leader~!" Kokichi, huh? Name seems a bit familiar, but I brush it off. "Well? Aren't you gonna give me your worthless introduction?"

"If it's worthless, why ask for it?!"

"Hurry up already, don't waste my time!"

I sigh. "I'm Kaito Momota, Luminary of the stars! Even crying children love me!" The boy laughs at my introduction. "Hahahahaha, Okay then, Momota-chan!" Momota chan? The hell? Is he mocking me? About to protest, I'm cut off by a more annoying voice. No, voices? "Rise and shine ursine!" I turn around, four bears are at my feet. All half white, but the other half's are different colors and patterns. Pink, orange, red, green and blue. "Cut the chit-chat you crazy bastards! You have other bastards to meet!" The blue one shouts. "Other bastards? So you mean, more idiots like this astronaut boy?" 

"HEY, I am NOT an idiot!"

"Yes you are, nishi~" 

"Listen here ya little-"

"Stop fighting! Your gonna make monodam angry!" The pink one yells. "Monodam?" The bears introduce themselves as Monotaro, monophanie, monokid, Monosuke and Monodam. The bears end up bickering, I exchange a look with Kokichi and we decide to leave silently.


"Shuddup you bastards!"

"Wait- where did they go?"



Kokichi and I met around 14 other people. All of us have Ultimate Talents, and we're all around the same age too. 

He seemed pretty pissed at the Ultimate Child Caregiver, Maki Harukawa, yet he kept on his mischievous grin. Maki seemed scary. I wonder if they knew eachother outside this place. 

We're supposed to be going to the gym now, no one has any idea why. We all gathered in the gym, and a half black half white bear pops out behind the podium. 


A killing game? Talking bears? Bullshit. We all stand in the gym, with mixed expressions. Everyone seems to be full of despair, except me and Kaede. "Come on guys, pull yourself together! We're Ultimates! All we gotta do is work together to make the impossible possible!" I shout across the gym. "What Kaito said! We will escape together. It's now that hard to just not kill someone!" Kaede perks up. Everyone else starts to slowly gain hope. I notice a warmth in my hand, as if someone was holding it. Kokichi-? Is he planning something? The little brat. I notice he looks a bit shaken up, which throws me off. He's probably just faking it. I take my hand away. "Nishishi, what's the matter Momota-chan~? Don't you wanna comfort someone scared~?" The hell? His mood changed up fast. "Shut up, Ouma." I ignore his little games. It isn't the time. "Waaaaah, Momota-chan is so mean! But what-ev's, not like I was scared anyways. I'm gonna go now, bye bye!" Ouma ran out of the gym, leaving the rest of us here.

So annoying..


Word count:649

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