First Blood Perk

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Kokichis POV

TW: s3lf h4rm

I'd slam the door behind me, sliding down as I sob. In truth, I'm scared. I don't wanna die. But I don't wanna participate in a game I'm forced to play. Telling the truth is much more frightening, so I'll just have to deal with lying. I get up, grabbing panta bottles and drinking them up. I'm still crying and shaking. I notice a knife on my night stand, grabbing it and pressing it to my arm.

The last thing I expected was a knock on my door. "Kokichi, come out. We're meeting every night for dinner to speak on how we are gonna escape." Kaitos voice travels through the door. "Not now, I'm trying to plot who to kill, nishi~"

"Bullshit! Come out before I drag  you out of there!" I couldn't, blood was already spilling off my arm. I panic. "I'm not interested! Now shoo, peasant!" The door slams open, but since my back is facing the door, Kaito hasn't seen yet. "I don't care if your interested or not, I-" Kaito turns me around by my shoulder. Adrenaline pumps in my body, as he goes silent. Without a word, he rushes me into the bathroom, putting my arm under cold water. "Kokichi, why did you do this to yourself?" His voice is soft and warm. Kaito bandages my arm. I never knew he had this side.. A tear rolls down my face. "Nishishi~! I-It was a lie! You fell for it! How cute, Momota-chan cares about-" I'm cut off by Kaito pulling me into an embrace. His arms are warm.. his embrace is comforting. What am I thinking?! I'm not gay. Or maybe that's just me lying to myself! No, even if I was gay, I wouldn't fall for this idiot! "Ouma, cut it off. Your scared, aren't you?" For an idiot.. he's persistent. "..Maybe, maybe not. Nishishi, you won't ever know the truth. Im a liar, after all~!" Kaito sighs, pulling away. "I'll leave then. Just come to dinner whenever you want." 

I watch as Kaito exits my dorm room. I wanted him to stay, but he doesn't need to know that.

I crawl into bed, deciding to sleep instead.

The next few days, Monokuma was said to be "killed". I had to keep showing up with my usual fake grin to the dining hall. 

Tenko slams her hands down on the table. "It's been a few days! Enough time to alert someone of our disappearance! Surely some women will come save us all!" 

"Why did you specify women?" Kiibo asks, although everyone is predicting her answer.

"Because the degenerate males only stay on their ass all day! I would never wanna be saved by a male." 

"Nyehhhh.. I don't care who saves us. I just wanna get out of here. I'd use my magic but, I have no idea where this place is."

"Atua says that help is coming soon! We should just wait it out!"

Listening to the others discuss on how to get out of here is so annoying. The more false hope you gain the more despair you'll earn. Monokuma pops up, who we already thought was dead.

A new motive-? First blood perk? No no no. I don't wanna die, not like that. We have to kill someone, or else we all die? I run back to my room after Monokuma leaves, scared.

Kaitos POV

Sighing, I go after Kokichi. He ran to his dorm after the motive was announced. I can't help but worry a little for him. I knock on his door. "Begone! I'm tryna plot a murder, nishi~!" I roll my eyes, entering the leaders dorm. Kokichis lying on the floor, holding his stomach. "Ouma, what the hell are you doing on the ground?" I look down at him. "Mmmmmmmmh, Momota-chan, my stomach hurts!" I roll my eyes once again, picking up the leader bridal style and lying him on the bed. "Heeey! Who said I let you carry me?" "Oh,  so you'd rather me push you off the bed now?" Kokichi laughs, shaking his head. I notice his bodies shaking. "So what's the problem? You cold or scared?" 

Kokichi rubs his arms up and down. I sigh, taking my jacket off and placing it on top of Kokichi. "I'm gonna go. It's almost close to the point we all are gonna die, so ima gather some people to fight Monokuma with me." Kokichi nods, snuggling into my jacket. 

He's so cute...

Wait, what? No, I'm not gay. And certainly not for that brat. 

I walk out of his room.

Kokichis POV (again)

Kaito walks out of my room, I caught him blushing a tiny bit. He couldn't be gay, could he? Nishishi~ Could he be gay for meeee? No no, he always gets pissed at me. Maybe that's how he shows his love! Then again, I met Momota-chan just a few days ago. I doubt he likes me, nishi~

Wait, why am I trying to figure out if he likes me or not? I'm not gay.

A creepy music starts playing on the monitor. I look over at it, and it shows multiple scenes. Being hung, drown and electrified, and others. I bury my head into the pillow, tears spilling from my eyes. Make it stop make it stop make it stop.. I'm going to die soon, aren't I?! 

Times ticking down.

1 hour.

30 minutes,

15 minutes.

10 minutes.

5 minutes.

The music stops. We're going to die. Times up. 

I don't wanna die.

DICE can't live without their leader.

... Kaito..

 I squeeze my eyes shut, my blood pumping. 

"A body has been discovered!" My stomach drops. Someone died-?! The announcement tells us to meet in the Library. I dash out of my dorm, into the school and down into the basement, reaching the library. Everyones crowded in the back. Who is it? I look over everyone. I look In horror.


"Upupupu! Now! Since we won't be having a trial, the blackened may come forward!"


"I said, the blackened may come forward!"

No one speaks up. "Fine! Everyone investigate, we will be holding the class trial shortly!" So.. someone else is going to die, or everyone but the culprit will survive.. "Welp, the culprits pretty obvious to me! So ima go back to my room, see ya!" I feel like they're all looking at me strangely as I leave. It's only when I get back to my dorm I remembered I have Kaitos jacket on me. 

How embarrassing. Nishishi~ I'll just figure out a lie if anyone asks!

But back to Rantaro.. who the hell killed him? Why. His body was cold. Dead. Blood. I feel bad for Rantaro. Killed by a shot put ball.. I feel tears flow down my face.

A few minutes pass by, and I hear a knock on my door. "Go awa-" The door opens anyways. It's obvious it's Kaito, he never leaves. He sits next to me. I wipe my tears, putting on a fake smile. "Nishishi~ What do you want now Momota-Chan?" He pulls me close into his chest with one arm. "I know you were crying and I know your scared. You gotta pull it together Kokichi, that's why I'm here to help you." His embrace comforts me, and I dunno why. "What If I don't need your help, Momota-chan~?" He hugs me closer. Why's my heart racing? "I know you need some support, dammit. Don't be annoying." I decide to tease him a little. "Aweee, Momo-chan cares about me!" Kaito looks at me straight in the eyes. "So what If I do?" I wasn't expecting that answer. My face warms up. I'm speechless. "It was a joke, moron. And don't call me Momo-chan." Joke? Haha! Yeah, try lying to a liar. But, no one cares about me. I'm a dumb liar. Then again, his eyes, and tone.. He seemed pretty honest to me. Damn, I can't tell if it's a lie or not. "No can do, momo-chaaan~" He gets up, pissed. "Whatever. I'll see you at the trial." I grab his wrist as he's about to walk away. I wasn't thinking-! "What-?" Shit, what do I say-? Why did I grab his wrist in the first place?! "Uh.. Ouma, your staring." I take my hand away, looking away from Kaito. "Nevermind, it's nothing Momota-chan!"

He nods, turns around, and leaves.

Word Count:1374

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