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In this story, you're the camel
Whose back struggles to hold life's haystacks
When I'm alone
I sit and wonder
What will be the final straw?
~ Alisha E.

January 5th.

A year ago today, Ruelle was first introduced to Zachari. Back then, he was Mr. Rivera. Today, he is...


The man smiled as his face popped into the screen. She sounded so excited to see him. It made him happy.

"Hi, sweet love."

Since the new year, he had called her that 16 times. She had counted. All 16 times, her heart soared. They hadn't talked about the implications of that endearment, and to be honest, neither ever wanted to.

Zachari and Ruelle were developing naturally. Their relationship flowed like river water, bumpy at times, smooth at others, but always moving.

"I'm so happy this movie is almost over. I'm so tired, Z."

Ruelle was bone achingly tired. The early roll calls and late sets were catching up to her. They had been filming for nearly 6 months now. Luckily, production ended in February.

"I know but it's almost over. You got a day off tomorrow, right?"

Ruelle nodded. She planned to sleep all day tomorrow.

Zachari could sense her plans and smiled. "You'll get some rest, and then you'll feel rejuvenated. You know you'll miss filming once it's over, so enjoy it. This a good kind of exhaustion."

In her twenties, Ruelle would've asked what the hell a good kind of exhaustion was. But in her thirties, she had learned to find the distinctions between her tired days. Today, she just felt overworked.

"Yea. It's a good movie, bubba. You'll love it!"

He scratched his beard, "All your movies are good, Rue."

The two loved being complimented. They sometimes took turns listing the others' talents. Ruelle looked up to Zachari while he looked up to her. It was a mutual admiration.

"What are you up to today?"

Ruelle knew he was still working on her house and had just recently started another project. She was busy but he was busier. He never complained, though, never voicing a hint of dismay.

He smiled, his face revealing an excitement she'd yet to ever see on him. "I gotta work for a bit, but then I get to meet up with a couple friends."

His woman fought the urge to gasp. "You have friends? Wait that sounds bad. I mean, how comes you've never mentioned them?"

Whether as employer and employee, friends, or romantic partners, Zachari had never mentioned a single friend. They had spent New Years together, and Ruelle got to meet his immediate family, but still, all these "friends" were absent.

"I know. We were pretty close but uh after my sister died I kinda stopped talking to them. I mean they made plenty of efforts, but they're too old and busy to be chasing me around forever. I reached out a little while back and apologized for um ghosting them?"

FINDING ROOTS - A NOVELLATahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon