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You've spent a lifetime chasing happiness
You saw too much
You felt too strongly
Along the way, the objective changed
You lost faith
You abandoned hope
You'll spend another lifetime chasing peace
I know, mama, I know
~ Alisha E.

Ruelle had a busy few weeks. After completely ignoring her father's anniversary, she spent her time packing and donating her possessions. Months of working with an interior designer meant she already ordered most of the things she would need for her new house.

By the time Zachari and his workers finished her house, Ruelle was all ready to go.

Ruelle smiled at the workers as she looked up at her brand new home. They were eagerly watching her reactions because, while she spent a long time away, they really liked their boss.

Of course, Ruelle ran straight to her kitchen. She fawned over her wide island and the marble countertops. She admired her hallways, the spiral staircase that led upstairs, and her intricately designed roof.

Ruelle clapped as she turned towards the crowd following her. "Y'all love me. It looks beautiful! Honestly, I'm not leaving this place for a good month. You guys did an amazing job."

She was ecstatic about the results. After years of bouncing from apartment to apartment, she finally had a place to call her own. It was beautiful and it embodied Ruelle. This house would be her foundation — the start of her final steps towards adulthood. Ruelle has been grown for years, but now, she was on equal footing with her peers.

As everyone drifted outside after saying goodbye, Zachari walked towards her. "You're satisfied?"

She nodded, "More than. I'm awe-struck. I know I helped design it, but it looks even better than in my mind."

Zachari grinned, his eyes glimmering with pride. He had worked extra hard to make sure this was perfect for her, and he was thrilled to know she loved it.

Before they knew it, Ruelle had officially moved in. To Ruelle's absolute shock, her birthday was tomorrow. She leaped out of bed, her mind racing. "Huh?? What day is it?"

Her mother sighed in dismay. The child remembered everything but her birthday. "I thought you would've broken this habit by now. It's March 9th. Your birthday is the 10th. Jesus, what would you do without me?"

Ruelle stood disappointed. Every year she always forgot her birthday. It annoyed her to no end, but she couldn't help it. She said her goodbyes to her mom and pouting, she FaceTimed Zachari.

When he picked up, she just stared at the screen. "What's wrong?"

Zachari sat up, watching her watch him. Ruelle grumbled, "My birthday's tomorrow."

He smiled at that, "Yea, I know."

"You know? Why didn't you tell me?"

He was back to frowning. "Because I assumed you knew your own birthday?"

Ruelle groaned frustratedly and fell back on the bed. "You're right. Uh, something happened on my birthday when I was little. My therapist said that in order to protect myself, I blocked the day from my mind completely. So, I never remember when my birthday is coming up. My mom knows but I guess I didn't tell you. I'm just upset. I never get to anything for my birthday because I always forget the day even exists."

The woman wasn't a crier, but she couldn't deny the urge to cry right now. Her birthday was supposed to be her day but, year after year, her mind worked against her. Sometimes, she would wake up to birthday posts, and she would scrunch her face up in confusion.

FINDING ROOTS - A NOVELLATempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang