Chapter 4

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After half an hour of aimlessly exploring the lands of New Zealand, they had stumbled upon a small town called 'Yxes Town'.

"This is a good start. Let's have a look around for some cheap motels." Greg informed, as he made his way towards the town.

Yuto sighed. He hoped they'd find a place to stay soon, his eyes were growing sore from his fatigue. Not even 10 minutes later, they had found a decent-looking building, labelled 'Yxes Motel'. Greg heaved his way through the door and made his way towards the front counter.

"Greetings. How can I help you today?" The woman sat at the counter greeted the two males.

"I would like to book a room for two." Greg replied to the question.

"I'm sorry sir, but you need to book online prior to your arrival." The lady informed, feeling slightly guilty.

"Oh yeah?" Greg challenged, pulling out his phone.

His phone was slightly glitching but was still useful. He gazed upon the logo hung up behind the counter, found the website and started to pat his thumbs on the virtual keyboard shining through the glass panel of his phone. As quickly as it happened, he had booked in a room that'll last for two weeks. A chime flew out from the woman's laptop. When her eyes settled on the dimly lit screen, she created a sound so small it almost sounded like a hum.

"Touché." The lady accepted, not caring to elaborate the rules on the run-down place.

Greg smirked in accomplishment, feeling intellectual for taking advantage of the situation. The woman cleared her throat as if to change the subject and held out the eftpos machine to signalise Greg to pay.

"Here." Yuto offered, handing Greg his credit card.


"Don't worry about it." Yuto cut off Greg's disapproval, and winked.

Jesus Christ, Greg had almost forgotten Yuto was a hybrid. Greg sighed, and slid the card into the machine before him, it happily sucking the money out of the plastic.

"Thank you, here are your keys. Your room is on level 4, first door to the left." The lady ended the conversation, handing the keys over to Greg's open palm.

Greg bowed his head respectfully and dragged his feet towards the elevator. Yuto zoned out for a full minute before realising Greg had left, and scrambled his feet towards the closing elevator doors, just making it in. The pair couldn't wait to collapse in their new room and sleep for an eternity. Sadly, that's not how life works.

The elevator clicked and clacked its way towards the fourth level and halted to a stop, the doors slightly sticking and screeched open. The pair dragged their feet towards the first door to the left, Greg shoved the key into the hole of the door, hearing the satisfying click followed by a creak of the opening door. Yuto sped into the room, throwing his shoes next to the front door, and collapsed onto the couch. Greg sighed, kicked off his shoes and grabbed the scruff of Yuto's collar and chucked him into one of the bedrooms.

"There are beds for a reason. Sleep." Greg informed tiredly, then shut the door.

Silence followed from the other side of the door, so Greg assumed Yuto had already fallen asleep. Greg pressed his back against the door and slid down towards the ground. He brought his knees towards his chest and wrapped his arms around them, almost hugging himself. He already missed his old apartment. Old. What a painful word to think about, the fact that it technically wasn't his anymore brought him internal sadness. Even if he didn't like it, it was the only place Greg could truly call home, and it only took him moving to a different country to realise that. After half an hour of being bottled up with his bad thoughts, he pushed it all down abruptly, as he stood up and started to walk towards his new room. But something stopped him. He had the urge to go towards the bathroom, which Greg assumed was his body telling him to brush his teeth. He went towards his bags, and pulled out both a toothbrush and toothpaste, now striding his way back towards the bathroom. Once he arrived, he laid the objects on the counter, suddenly wanting to open a drawer under the sink. His curiosity took over him, as he went to grab the handle and pulled his arm towards himself, successfully opening the draw. There was a razor.

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