Chapter 12

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Yuto had barricaded herself in her room all day for this moment. She inhaled, quickly skimming through the too-detailed script in her mind for the millionth time. She was going to do it. This very night will be written down in history.

She ought to take a quick afternoon nap however. It'll make the night arrive quick, as well as sooth her stress. It killed two birds with one stone.

Hours passed. Night had fallen. It was time.


Yuto hated how much she liked Greg's soft voice speaking her despised name.

"Wakey wakey."

Yuto opened her eyes warily – her heart clenched from how adorable Greg's coo had sounded. Whilst Yuto was swooning over his adorableness, Greg was suffering, as the voice in his head was mocking him for sounding so stupid. Yuto flushed from how close Greg was.

"Hey." Greg started. "Were you asleep?"

Yuto felt a familiar slither up her leg. Yuto recognised the way it curled up against her chest, and immediately pinned it to be Snab.

This was when Yuto noticed Greg's change of clothes and slightly damp hair. Greg wore his typical lime button up, however, he was wearing a pair of velvet sweatpants. Yuto assumed Greg had gone for a shower a couple of hours ago. 

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I actually need to talk to you-" Yuto then panicked, dropping her very-detailed script and plan for tonight. "Actually, you know what? It's not even important, just forget about it."

Yuto laughed it off and hoped Greg would join in. He didn't.

"It sounded important to me." Greg frowned, though didn't force Yuto to tell him.

Yuto sat still for a minute, before she spoke again. "Alright. Not here though."

Greg smiled and nodded.

Yuto gave herself time to relax, before she stepped from the bed. She made her way towards the living room. Greg expected Yuto to settle onto the couch, but instead she walked towards the balcony, so of course, Greg followed suit. Yuto then went towards the tables, before climbing onto it.

Greg panicked. "Why are we going on the roof?"

"I think the roof is the greatest setting for this topic."

'What in the hell is he going to talk about?!'

"If he admits to being suicidal, I'm changing hosts. You're fuckin' annoying."

'Yeah right. In your dreams.'

"That's a bit hypocritical, if you ask me."

"Fucks sake."

"Sorry. We can go somewhere else if you want?" Yuto apologised, lowering herself from the table.

Greg then realised he had spoken out loud again. Yuto thought that curse was directed towards her.

"Oh, sorry, I was thinking about something else. The roof is perfect." Greg smiled, as he made his way towards the table as well.

With a bit of struggle from the pair, they scrambled themselves towards the ridge of the roof. Greg went to lay down and lose himself to the stars when Yuto stopped him, taking hold of his shoulder firmly. Greg complied, and sat upright.

"So, what did you want to talk about?" Greg questioned, intrigued about the topic.

Yuto froze. She had completely forgotten the script she had thoroughly planned out for this exact moment. She had planned it out for the entire day, why couldn't she remember.

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