Chapter 3: Some Questions Need Answers

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Aizawa watched Eri interact with Ka-no-Touya

Many a thought raced through the hero's mind. 

Especially regarding the mysterious circumstance in which this kid was found. 

Like, seriously, what the hell was a bruised and burned child doing alone in an alley? 

In really oversized clothes.

And with a very peculiar hair color. Or, well, colors.

All of this was really suspicious.

The fact that this kid lied about his name only furthered this suspicion. 

Looks like Aizawa is going to be googling the name "Touya" later to see if there are any missing persons cases in the area. Hopefully he can get some answers from the kid himself too. He didn't appear too willing to give straight and specific answers, though, which complicates things. 

And, again, furthers suspicion. 



Dabi tried to get his mind off of the fact that he might've just ruined his cover. 

Though, at the same time, it's not like he has to admit he's Dabi. He might just have to admit he's Touya Todoroki but the upside of that is that he can't technically be connected to the wanted murderous criminal he actually is. Since his only proof is his own memory.

So that should leave him in the clear.

But, still, he needs to think of some sort of explanation why he "died" a decade ago only to show back up even younger than when he disappeared. 

That is, if he's even questioned that much. 

There's a possibility that he won't even have to answer up to his real name. 

So let's hope that nobody but Eri heard him break his cover. 

But still that fear nagged at him. His chest felt tight and his hands shook as he attempted to color a picture of a cat. 

He forgot how bad his anxiety used to be. 

And how fearful he was of disappointing or upsetting adults.

But, dammit, he dealt with it then and he can deal with it now. 

It's just...hard


His breath hitched for a moment and he tried to cover it with a cough. He can't be weak right now. 

He really needs to just sneak out tonight and track down that asshole who used that damn stupid quirk. 

If he can even figure out how to get back there. 

Not like he has a phone or anything. They're too trackable and he'd left his burner at the League's hideout. After all, last night was supposed to be a quick and easy trip to a convenience store.

And the worst part of this all is that there was this small part nagging at the back of his head saying he could start over and live a happy life and that maybe this time he can learn how to properly use his quirk so he doesn't have to keep his skin stapled together anymore. 

Those staples are a bitch to clean and keep from getting infected.

Not that he can even feel it. 

More of just the annoyance of having to do it every single day.

But now he's practically good as new, with his original skin its original color and still alive. 

Maybe he could be a hero...

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