- a family.

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The night darkness has started to creep in from over the treetops and down from the sun sinking behind the mountains. Shadows looked like figures staring back from the darkness, just quietly observing your every move. How could anyone live up here? It was cold and eerie. There was something about it that made me feel like there were secrets covered by the snow, maybe it is only a part of my imagination since there was not a lot to do up here. A long snow storm blew in, you could barely could see a thing in front of you.

There is a brief knock at the door before it creaks open to reveal two men in the doorway, shuttering from the biting winds. Philza and the tall mysterious prince had come over again. Phil walked past him and into a different part of the house, leaving the two of us together. 

I overheard Techno and Phil talking about making some kind of stew for dinner. The idea of this made my stomach gurgle, I have no eaten a proper meal in the longest time. That left me and the stranger that Phil had briefly introduced me to sitting by the fire together. After Phil gives us a reassuring smile he takes off his overcoat too and goes to find Techno. Lord knows where he was, hiding in such a small cottage. The stranger clears his throat before he excuses himself before following after Phil who could be heard in the kitchen area holding the conversation with Techno, chuckling amongst themselves. After unclear chatter, the laughing stopped and the prince comes back alone. He looks to have seen a ghost before sitting down in a chair if front of the fire with me.

"Forgive me your highness, my memory is not all that great. What is your name?" The tall stranger breaks the silence between us as he looks over to me as if he was expecting a name. I hesitate and stumble on my words as I answer. "I- uhm- Y/N, my name is Y/N. It is a pleasure to meet you."

Raising his eyebrows with a gentle nod of content he smiles. "It's nice to meet you too Y/N, you can just call me Ranboo. Calling other by their royal titles gets tiring after a while." As he said this, Phil comes in holding a tray of steaming bowls of freshly cooked stew. He hands one bowl to me and another to Ranboo before setting down the tray and taking the last one for himself. Ranboo blows on his hot meal and I do the same as Phil sits down and eats with us. All except for Techno. They all seemed to be relatively close, like they could tell each other anything. Then here I was in the middle of it all, it felt like I did not belong here but was welcomed into this strange family anyway.

"Fuss over all it later Techno, come sit down and eat before your stew gets cold!" Phil shouts, waiting for a reply which doesn't come to which he sighs and rolls his eyes then continues to stir the thick contents in his bowl.  A few moments pass before a sulking Technoblade appears in the room, holding his bowl of steaming stew which he must've served himself. He sits in the farthest seat from the fire but declines when offered a closer spot if we were to move.

I pick up the wooden spoon in my bowl and shovel the food into my mouth, it is rich in flavor and melts in my mouth as I chew. "This is delicious, what kind of things are in here?" I beam while scanning the others for an answer.

Phil was the first to answer. "Well, you see, up here there is obviously not a variety of food so we have to become creative. We of course go down to the mainland and grab supplies when we start running low. Anyways, back to the stew, Techno and I created an amazing recipe-"

"Rabbit. Went out hunting and caught a few, lucky I found anything." Techno grumbles as he sulks while looking at his bowl that was already polished off. He ate his portion at a remarkable speed, everyone barely just picked at theirs.

For the rest of the night I couldn't hold in my curiosity in any longer and asked Ranboo where he was from and they story behind his crown if he wasn't a part of the royal family in Mormount. He told me it would be much too long to explain but he did mention belonging to a realm that was made up of mainly darkness and magic. I wanted to know more but I respectfully bit my tongue. 

𝐕𝐎𝐈𝐂𝐄𝐒 ; technobladeWhere stories live. Discover now