- finding out the truth.

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I don't mean to send mixed messages out like I have been doing..


I should tell them how I really feel-

You are incapable of love! You're nothing but a blood thirsty demon, how pathetic!

This can't be love in the making right? 

I don't even feel anything around them...

Please just stop..

You don't feel anything because you are a monster.


It was later in the day and chores around the farm were being finished. There were a few hours before the sun went down, Y/N had taken the opportunity to lounge around and read some books as they typically did when they had free time. The day we had was long, with the remaining chores being completed there was space and time for everyone to relax and do what they wanted. I took this peaceful period to head down the a village. "Where are you off to Techno?" Y/N asks from the couch, peeking over the top of the book in their hands. 

"We are running out of supplies and resources, so I need to go to the mainland and buy a couple of things." I explain while putting on my overcoats. They sit up and give me a smile as they wave a sheepish 'goodbye' to me as I turn and open the door. I return a subtle smile and nod at them before leaving, it erases off of my face as soon as the door shuts behind me. Zero emotion, just a blank and hollow stare, some say I had this resting face that could put an indescribable fear into other people, I have just learned to embrace it over time.

With saddlebag secured and my sword sharpened me and Carl ride down through the biome, my pack of tamed wolves could be heard howling like savages in the distance. Any lost wanderers would be unlucky getting lost up here tonight, they sounded hungry. Everyone was hungry. Now with Y/N living here, big meals throughout the day were cut smaller and resources were split in half. They are the reason I am going down here in the first place, it would not be too long until we all started to starve.

I enjoy killing people, it's what I do and all I am good for. I wasn't going to politely ride up to this small village just outside of the castle walls to create friendships. I am going there to ransack all of their supplies, and make sure there are no survivors left to raise a complaint about my little visit. The last thing I would want is to create turmoil with the King, he would hunt me down for sport and most likely split me down the middle.

I ride up steadily into the main entrance, some people walking by us give warm welcomes. A woman holding a basket of crops approaches me gleefully as I dismount off of Carl's back. I couldn't even hear what she was saying she was talking so quickly, practically in my ear. All I could focus on was the grip tightening subtly on my sword resting on my hip. With a swift motion, I slice a clean slit across her neck. She didn't even struggle or scream, just fell over as blood oozed out everywhere. Even if she wanted to scream out, she would be choking on her own blood and lack of air. A innocent bystander shrieks in horror as they make eye contact with me and the corpse of the girl, a smirk curls onto my lips as I stalk my way towards them. 

Everything goes by like a blur...

I began to get lost in a frenzy. My heart is beating so fast I chase and cut anything living down. Some people try to flee and get help, some other hide in the safety of their homes.

Nothing can stop me. With the Blood God at my back, I am practically immortal to commoners.

After doing this, the entirety of the village had been massacred, as it usually was after I routinely sweep them for supplies. I collect my groceries and put them in the saddle bags attached to my saddle. The sound of a piece of paper flapping in the growing winds had made me stop and look around further. Usually there aren't waivers of any kind in such a peaceful and docile village like this. 

When I get closer to get a better look, I see it.

There it was, a wanted poster with a photo of Y/N right smack dab in the middle. What in the seven hells was this? It read, "Dead or alive: 1 double chest of emeralds for the lucky individual who can turn this traitor in. Bring justice to the kingdom and return the crown jewels to their rightful and sacred home..."

My eyes go wide with disbelief and shock. Y/N was a traitor? What were their true intentions if they were not really a part of the royal family? "Fuck!" I cuss as I hastily mount up and gallop back up to the mountains. I don't bother to hide evidence of my presence, too much was at stake now. I was only concerned for the safety of my friends and the whereabouts of my prized possessions, disregarding my safety and what was to happen to me. 

I can't believe I trusted a liar.

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